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Arbitrarily formed boundaries caused wars between rival tribes.

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Arbitrarily formed boundaries caused wars between rival tribes

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The period of time when European imperialism greatly affected the continent of Africa is?

"Scramble for Africa"

What happened to Americas role in the world during your age of imperialism?

European nations were the most active in adding colonies, especially in Africa and Asia. Europeans wanted to have control over the natural resources and trade routes. America was still involved with the Industrial Revolution and Manifest Destiny and isolated itself from the practice of Imperialism.

Did imperialism ended in Africa?

Imperialism did not end all at once everywhere in Africa, but European colonization of Africa was disrupted by WW II, and following WW II there were a series of wars of independence which brought an end to European colonialism.

When and where did the Industrial Revolution end?

it ened in Africa in 1978

How did Africa's economy change as a result of European imperialism in the late 19th century?

Africa was stripped of many of resources by the European powers who divided it into numerous colonies for each of the different powers. Africa was rich in natural resources, leading to the rise of European industry when these materials were exported to Europe. Africans were typically not taught about how to understand or use modern industrial technologies, preventing them from developing local industrial regions. They also were prevented from learning European philosophical constructs like nationalism, thus avoiding the possibility of African tribes uniting in European-style nation-states.

Related questions

Was a major outcome of European imperialism in Africa after the Industrial Revolution?

Africans in the Belgian Congo suffered forced labor and oppression.

The period of time when European imperialism greatly affected the continent of Africa is?

"Scramble for Africa"

How was European imperialism in Africa similar to imperialism in Asia?

European imperialism was motivated by a desire for economic gains in both regions.

What are motives for imperialism in Africa?

The motives for imperialism in Africa is that Africa was considered primitive and left uncolonized by the Mother Countries. Africa was a battlefield for the Mother Countries for any raw materials, because the Mother Countries were running low of raw materials after the industrial revolution.

What happened to Americas role in the world during your age of imperialism?

European nations were the most active in adding colonies, especially in Africa and Asia. Europeans wanted to have control over the natural resources and trade routes. America was still involved with the Industrial Revolution and Manifest Destiny and isolated itself from the practice of Imperialism.

What motivated the nations of Europe to engage in imperialism activities?

Europeans believed they were morally superior to the peoples of Africa and Asia.

What European powers to spread their influence in Africa?


Did imperialism ended in Africa?

Imperialism did not end all at once everywhere in Africa, but European colonization of Africa was disrupted by WW II, and following WW II there were a series of wars of independence which brought an end to European colonialism.

What were the roles European Imperialism played on African lives?

European Imperialism played a horrifying role in Africa. When Europe discovered Africa's mineral wealth, they enslaved the peoples, believing themselves better.

How was the military involved with European imperialism in Africa?

The military was involved in European imperialism in Africa by controlling unrest and protecting the citizens. Without their assistance, many European countries would have suffered significant loses due to attacks from locals.

The period of time when European imperialism greatly affected the continent of Africa is called?

"Scramble for Africa"

What is accurate concerning the policy of apartheid in the Republic of a South Africa?

it had its roots in european imperialism in africa