The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
how did Christianity contribute to the fall of the roman empire
Christianity did not contribute to the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire. Some pagan Romans believed that it weakened the Romans by weakening their fighting spirit. This was untrue and this view reflected their dislike for and bias against Christianity. The Christian emperors of the later Empire were as resolute in trying to defend the Roman Empire as the previous pagan emperors had been.
The co-emperors Gratian and, especially, Theodosius I (or the Great) aimed at religious uniformity. Their Edict of Thessalonica (380) made mainstream Christianity the sole legitimate religion of the empire and banned dissident Christian doctrines, which were branded heretic. The main target was Arian Christianity which was the main dissident Christian doctrine and was popular around the empire. Theodosius immediately started persecuting the Arians. He also persecuted Roman religion and other pagan creeds, particularly Manichaeism which was briefly the main rival to Christianity in the competition to replace classical paganism.
Theodosius promoted greater religious uniformity in the Roman Empire and, through this, greater cohesion. The western part of the Roman Empire fell under the weight of the invasions by the Germanic peoples. The Germanic invaders were also Christians even though they had been converted to the Arian form of Christianity, The eastern part of the Roman Empire, which was just as Christian as the western part, was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years.
Mainstream Christianity was 'Western or Latin Christianity' and 'Eastern or Greek Christianity.' The former was the main form of Christianity in the western part of the Roman Empire and the latter the main form in the eastern part. Later they came to be called Catholic and Orthodox respectively.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
The fall of the Roman Empire was probably inevitable long before the cracks occurred. Arnold J. Toynbee says (A Study of History) that universal churches tend to arise in times of trouble. In the case of Rome, Christianity was that "church."
Edward Gibbon (The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire) says that the Christian Emperor Constantine hastened the process of decline by his extravagant expenditure on his own lifestyle, an unsustainable building program, including many magnificent Christian churches, and on lavish state subsidies for the Christian clergy throughout the empire. Taxes were raised to the point that some middle-class people even had to sell their daughters into prostitution to meet their tax bills. His sons and heirs continued and extended Constantine's lavish expenditure. The fall of the now-Christian western Roman empire came with barbarian invasions, but the empire had already been weakened to the point that it could no longer resist.
The Christians contributed to the fall of the Roman empire by creating internal dissension, in particular in the area of the protection and prosperity of the empire. The Christians, by refusing to take part in the worship of the gods who were the protectors of the empire, were considered treasonous.
Christianity did not contribute to the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire. This part of the empire fell under the weight of the invasions by the Germanic peoples. The eastern part of the Roman Empire, which was also Christian, was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years. Pagan Romans thought that Christianity had weakened the empire by weakening the fighting spirit of the Romans. This view was incorrect and was a reflection of prejudice.
Christianity was a divisive factor in the Roman empire. It caused unrest not only between the Christians and the pantheists, but between the Christians themselves as the early Christians had several sects and they were always bickering among themselves.
It was Charlemagne.
After the fall of the western Roman empire there was actually no unifying force. It was a situation that said the strongest ruled. Christianity can loosely be considered a factor, but that was in name only, because at that time Christianity itself was not firmly united.After the fall of the western Roman empire there was actually no unifying force. It was a situation that said the strongest ruled. Christianity can loosely be considered a factor, but that was in name only, because at that time Christianity itself was not firmly united.After the fall of the western Roman empire there was actually no unifying force. It was a situation that said the strongest ruled. Christianity can loosely be considered a factor, but that was in name only, because at that time Christianity itself was not firmly united.After the fall of the western Roman empire there was actually no unifying force. It was a situation that said the strongest ruled. Christianity can loosely be considered a factor, but that was in name only, because at that time Christianity itself was not firmly united.After the fall of the western Roman empire there was actually no unifying force. It was a situation that said the strongest ruled. Christianity can loosely be considered a factor, but that was in name only, because at that time Christianity itself was not firmly united.After the fall of the western Roman empire there was actually no unifying force. It was a situation that said the strongest ruled. Christianity can loosely be considered a factor, but that was in name only, because at that time Christianity itself was not firmly united.After the fall of the western Roman empire there was actually no unifying force. It was a situation that said the strongest ruled. Christianity can loosely be considered a factor, but that was in name only, because at that time Christianity itself was not firmly united.After the fall of the western Roman empire there was actually no unifying force. It was a situation that said the strongest ruled. Christianity can loosely be considered a factor, but that was in name only, because at that time Christianity itself was not firmly united.After the fall of the western Roman empire there was actually no unifying force. It was a situation that said the strongest ruled. Christianity can loosely be considered a factor, but that was in name only, because at that time Christianity itself was not firmly united.
The term Byzantine Empire has been coined by historians to indicate the eastern part of the Roman Empire after the fall of the western part of this empire. The 'east' continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years after the fall of the 'west.' The people in question did not even know the term "Byzantine" and called their empire Roman Empire. In other words, the so-called Byzantine Empire was the continuation of the Roman Empire. The so-called Byzantines saw themselves as Romans. The religion of the eastern part of the Roman Empire had developed before the fall of the western part of this empire. It was called Greek or Eastern Christianity, and it was the main form of Christianity in this part of the empire. The main form of Christianity in the western part of the empire was called Latin or Western Christianity. Later, they came to be called Orthodox and Catholic respectively.
Christianity did not contribute to the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire. This part of the empire fell under the weight of the invasions by the Germanic peoples. The eastern part of the Roman Empire, which was also Christian, was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years. Pagan Romans thought that Christianity had weakened the empire by weakening the fighting spirit of the Romans. This view was incorrect and was a reflection of prejudice.
Christianity transformed the religious map of the Roman Empire. It became the religion of the masses of the empire in Late Antiquity. Mainstream Christianity (the early form of the Catholic and the Orthodox churches) became the state religion of the empire, whilst other Christian sects were branded heretic and persecuted, particularly Arian Christianity, which was popular around the empire. Catholicism at that time was called Latin or Western Christianity and it was the religion of the western part of the empire. The Orthodox Church was called Greek or Eastern Christianity and was the religion of the eastern part of the empire. The pagan Roman religion did not disappear, but it became sidelined and was persecuted.
Oh, dude, like, everything contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire except for, like, the invention of pizza delivery. I mean, come on, who doesn't love a good slice of pizza while watching an empire crumble?
Christianity was a divisive factor in the Roman empire. It caused unrest not only between the Christians and the pantheists, but between the Christians themselves as the early Christians had several sects and they were always bickering among themselves.
The decline of Rome dovetailed with spread of Christianity, and some argue that the rise of the new faith helped contribute to the empire's fall.
The following is not specified. Therefore, there is no answer for this question.
By the time of the fall of the Western Empire, Christianity was well established as the state religion and other religions were forbidden. Naturally, there was no prohibition on Christianity, and persecution of non-Christians was accepted practice.
It was Charlemagne.
You need to explain how you think that dates can contribute to the fall of an empire. It is events, not dates that contribute to history.
Most people no longer believed that the emperor was a god.
Islam did not contribute to the fall of Rome and the western part of the Roman Empire. This part of the empire fell more than a century before the rise of Islam. This religion contributed to the fall of the eastern part of the Roman Empire (which historians all Byzantine Empire) which existed for nearly 1,000 years after the fall of the western part. It united the Arabs, who went on to take over the Roman territories in Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and North Africa. The Ottoman Turks took over Turkey and the European territories and conquered the Capital, Constantinople, bringing down this empire. They were Muslims. However, power, rather than religion was their motivation. Christianity did not play a part in the fall of the Roman Empire, be it the western part or the eastern part. It became the state religion and part of the fabrics of state and society. Some pagan Roman thought that Christianity had weakened the fighting spirit of the Romans, but this was not the case.
476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman Empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.