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He erected many libraries.

Well that and also Alexander the great was the son of Philip, King of Macedonia. Philip conquerd the Spartans and then began plans to invade Persia. However, he was murdered by his bodyguard, with the possibility of Alexanders involvement. Alexander the Great was very intersted in Greeek literature and his tutor was the famous Aristotle.Alexander the Great picked up where his father left off and conquered Persia, then Egypt then proceeded to march through Asia until India, where his army stopped. At 32, he caught a fever and died. He spread Hellenistic culture because of the multitude of lands he had conquered where Helllenistic culture had began to seep into the other countries culture. That is a very brief account of Alexander the Great!

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Q: How did Alexander help to spread and preserve Hellenistic culture?
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What did Alexander help to spread and preserve Hellenistic culture?

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You see, HE NEVER DID Your welcome

What was Alexander the great most important contribution to the world?

he started the Hellenistic period,spread greek culture & created alexandria

What was the time when greek culture spread through out the non-greek world known as?

It was initiated by Alexander the Great in the latter part of the 4th Century BCE.