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by refusing to allow Native Americans to assimilate

by making it illegal for Native Americans to sell their land to speculators

by providing larger land parcels so the Native Americans could grow more crops

by using land speculators as brokers between the government and Native Americans

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Q: How could the federal government have made the Dawes Act more successful?
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Why did the inability of the government to raise taxes lead to the collapse of the articles of confederation?

Since taxes could only be collected if the states willing gave money to the federal government, many state simply chose not to give sufficient moneys to the federal government. Without money to function, the federal government could not effectively coordinate policies within the United States.

What effect did Herbert Hoover's philosophy of government have on the federal response to the economic crisis?

His belief that the federal government could not give direct aid to individuals left millions without help.

Why weren't the Articles of Confederation successful?

The Articles of Confederation were written to provide a form of government for the newly-united 13 colonies. They did not work because they gave the federal government little power and gave the states too much power. The states acted as separate nations, yet still expected the federal government to handle everything. For example: the federal government was expected to pay the army, but had no means to do so.

Who does the Constitution assign the power to control immigration?

The federal government. They have been doing an amazingly poor job for several decades. We forget that the federal government has power only because they receive it from the people. If we had the guts and drive, the states could initiate changes to the Constitution, and these changes would NOT have to be initiated or approved by the federal government, or any part of it.

How did Alexander Hamilton justify the taxation powers of the federal government?

Alexander Hamilton favored strong powers of taxation for the federal government. He saw money as the lifeblood of the nation. Without strong federal powers regarding taxation, the government could not perform a common or general duty of ensuring the well being of the nation. Thus, tariffs, for example, are one measure that will help ensure that the federal government can function in its duty to serve the nation as a whole.

Related questions

Where could I find available positions with the federal government?

Available job positions with the federal government can be found on USA Gov Jobs, Federal Government Jobs, OPM, GovtJobs, US Government Info, and Jobs Fed.

When could states collect taxes but the federal government could not?

The federal government had no ability to tax when it was operating under the Articles of Confederation. The US Constitution provided the federal government authority to collect taxes; the Sixteenth Amendment, ratified in 1913, added the ability to levy taxes on income.

When did the supreme court rule that the federal government could attach spending conditions to the federal grants?


How could federal government raise money to pay national debt and fund an army?

The federal power to tax.

How could the federal government raise money to pay national debts and fund army?

The federal power to tax.

How could the federal government raise money to pay national debt and fund an army?

The federal power to tax.

Was the US successful in their Vietnam campaign Why or why not?

No, it wasn't successful. The government never did declare it a war and didn't put in all that it could have to win.

Why did the inability of the government to raise taxes lead to the collapse of the articles of confederation?

Since taxes could only be collected if the states willing gave money to the federal government, many state simply chose not to give sufficient moneys to the federal government. Without money to function, the federal government could not effectively coordinate policies within the United States.

What are some federal government jobs for females?

Almost any federal job that a man can do, a woman could also do. The federal government is very stringent about accepting applications from everyone no matter their gender, race or creed.

Which of the following situations could cause a budget deficit for the federal government?

there is a recession


Because it could get them in tons of trouble.

What is the similarities of unitary and federal state?

The similarities between unitary and federal states could be that both types of governments could be democracies. A unitary state could be democratic when the people elect the government officials, as is the case in a federal state.