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Being unable to sieze the high ground on the first day put Lee at a disadvantage. Stuart's cavalry was out of place for much of the battle and unable to reconnoiter for Lee or give him much needed timely intelligence in order to make intelligent decisions as the tide of battle changed. For the first time, Lee was fighting without the assistance of his favorite subordinate commander, Stonewall Jackson, who had been killed by friendly fire at Chancellorsville. Lee's experience may have taught him the wrong lesson. His success against superior forces in the past made him believe that they could also defeat a well-defended position. Finally, he disrespected the forces he fought against. His victories against the Army of the Potomac did not take into consideration that they had finally beaten the learning curve, and had learned how to defeat him. They was fighting to defend their home soil, from a well-defended position were highly trained, experienced, and determined.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Because of the fact they managed to hold the high ground, out numbered the confederates, and they had more men, supplies, and guns.

Gen. Robert E. Lee ordered Pickets Charge, which ordered all remaining units to charge the main line. This was suicide for all confederate units. That charge took out 40% of the confederates.



1 - They forced Lee to give battle before all his army had reached the battlefield and had been deployed for the purpose.

2 - They prevent Stuart Cavalry Corps from joining Lee's army in time, leaving the Confederates without intelligence about the enemy army's power and deployment, virtually prey of the "fog of war" during many crucial moments of the battle.

3 - By holding the high ground they managed to maneuver through internal lines, while the Confederates were compelled to move through the external ones.

4 - By fighting a defensive battle, forcing the Confederates to attack mainly through open ground.

5 -They employed their artillery better than the Confederates did.

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16y ago

1) The confederate Army should have avoided contact with the enemy peroid. 2) On the first day of battle, the attack should not have taken place, without more reinforcements to aide them, thus resulting in less casualties for the confederacy. 3) After the confederates had taken Seminary Ridge and pushed the union line back to Cemetery Hill, the attack should have been pursued. Since the entire I and VI corps' were shattered, there was nobody to really stop them. 4) General Ewell should have attacked and taken Culps Hill, after Lee gave him the order, "take that hill if practicable, but don't bring on any major engagements" Ewell should have attacked, and he could have easily held the right of the Union Army in the palm of his hand. 5) On the 2nd Day, instead of a frontal assault on the Union Lines, General Lee should've granted his Permission to General Longstreet to attempt a Flanking movement behind Big Round Top. 6) The attacks on the union left and right should have been better coordinated so that they would begin at the same times. 7) On July 3rd, General Lee should never have attacked the center of the Union Line. Instead he should've renewed his attacks on the flanks, where Meade was most vulnerable. 8) Long before the Battle of Gettysburg, General Lee ordered J.E.B Stuart about, to cut telegraph lines, capture supplies, and guard the REAR of his army as they marched through the Shenendoah Valley. This menas the Lee should never have given such an order, and the "Eyes and Ears" of his army, could've been present earlier in the battle when needed. Lee said, years after the war,that if he had had Stonewall Jackson with him,he would have won Gettysburgh,and most likely the war. Few can doubt that logic, for Jackson would have taken Culp's hill in the blink of an eye, forcing the federals to attack a heavily fortified position.

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17y ago

becuase the northerners had more resources and confidence in themselves compared to the southerners The south lost Gettysburg because of a lack of comunication adn a bad move on Robert E. Lee's part. Lee had just lost one of his best generals, Stonewall Jacksone and the general that took his place in this battle was noot being very cooperative and was dragging his feet in everything Lee asked him to do. Also, the union army had more men. Lee made his most fatal mistake how ever when he desided to charge the center of the union lines. He had been putting presure on it trying to weaken it. The union army was on a small hill, not really that large just a small incline but this gave them a small advantage. Also, the conferates had to cliam a fence. Many of them died doing this slowing the others behind them. They had to charge across an open field and the union line were not as weak as they thought. With all these disadvantages the confederates were not able to break the union lines, instead in broke there winning streak. It all went down hill from there for them.

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11y ago

The North (or the Union) won because since the South (or the Confederacy) attacked head on in the middle of the Union's army on the third day of the battle, they were outnumbered and overwhelmed by Union soldiers. Only 150 out of 15000 soldiers reached the Union Lines.

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10y ago

They won the Gettysburg battle because they could afors to lose men but the south couldnt. The real reason that the North won was because the south had to retreat from the battle, bercause they was loseing men that they needed. If the south didnt retreat they could have won. I guess we will never know.

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16y ago

The Confederacy did not win the battle of Gettysburg. The Union army was getting close to losing, but some how they defeated the Confederacy in The Battle of Gettysburg. It was not a decisive victory. No one surrendered and Lee escaped to the South with much of his force intact. Because the Army of Northern Virginia escaped, President Lincoln brought Grant in from the West. That was change in the power struggle.

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8y ago

The North seized and held easily defensible positions on the high ground along Lee's line of advance. They, eventually, outnumbered the attacking forces, having better and more materiel and resources. They fought along interior lines making reinforcements and resupply easier. They were fighting on their home ground, for once. Defense is usually easier than offense.

Confederate General Lee was fighting without the benefit of reconnaissance intelligence from his cavalry; so he was unable to ascertain the strength and deployment of the enemy. For the first time in a major battle, Lee was also fighting without the benefit of his principal lieutenant, Stonewall Jackson, who fell to friendly fire at Chancellorsville. Lee ordered rash assaults in desperation, and his orders were not carried out in a timely manner by his subordinates. Though less brilliant, Meade held his ground and made no tactical mistakes during the battle proper. His biggest mistake was his inability to carry out a vigorous pursuit of Lee's forces once Lee began his retreat. Had he been able to do so, he might have been able to finish Lee off, and end the war twenty-one months earlier.

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11y ago

Lee would have attacked Washington D.C. and taken over the United States. So if that happened we would still have slavery, Today!

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4y ago

attacked much earlier

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