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It depends on what you mean.


If you are refering to Nation of Islam (NOI), this is a distinct African-American Religion. And it must be understood that there are big differences between the Nation of Islam (NOI) and mainstream Islam. To convert the Nation of Islam, you must first NOT be White or Jewish, since they reject both as being acceptable members of the faith. You then approach a local Nation of Islam Mosque and ask to speak to an Imam. When he is satisfied with your beliefs, you are accepted into the religion. It is important to note that those belonging to NOI are not considered as true Muslims. Refer to question below.


If you are using the term "Nation of Islam" to refer to the Umma or the collective Islamic World, then to join Islam is very simple. You repeat the words of the Shahada or Testimony of Belief: "Ash-hadu al-la ilaha illallahu, wahdahu la sharika lahu wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa Rasuluh." This means: "I bear witness that there is no object of adoration besides Allah, Who is One and has no associate and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger."

Other converts to Islam add the following as a nice aside: "Astagh firullaha Rabbi min kulli zambinw wa atubu ilaihi, Rabbi inni zalamtu nafsi wa'taraftu bi-zambi faghfirli zunubi fa-innahu la yagh firuz-zunuba illa anta." This means: "I ask forgiveness of Allah for all my sins and to Him I turn. I have been cruel to myself, O Lord, and I confess my sins. So be merciful to forgive my sins; for no one forgives sins except Thyself."

As soon as you finish reciting the words of the Testimony of Belief, you are a Muslim (unless you don't belief contrary to what Islam teaches). After that you will slowly have to learn how to pray and how to follow the rest of the teachings of Islam.

The Main beliefs of Islam are:

To believe in the Oneness of God.

To believe in all His Angels.

To believe in all His Books.

To believe in all His Prophets. (Jesus is not God; he is a prophet of God.)

To believe in the Day of Resurrection.

To believe in the Decree of God.

Refer to related question below for more information.

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What key principle of the teachings of the Nation of Islam was the opposite of the goal of the civil rights movement in the South?

The Nation of Islam believed in separation of the races. -NovaNET

Did the Nation of Islam believe in violence or non-violence?

It depends on the particular Nation of Islam preacher. Some were more bellicose than others (advocating for actual attacks on whites or restricting violence to self-defense), but the Nation of Islam was certainly not a mirror of Reverend King's peaceful non-violence.It is important to note that the Nation of Islam is distinct from Sunni Islam in several key respects and the rules of the Nation of Islam are inconsistent with those of Sunni Islam.

Why did people join the nation of islam?

Because they realized that it was a true religion. The Nation of Islam (which is distinct from mainstream Islam), attracted adherents in much the same way that other African-American religions attracted adherents. It was able to capitalize on the sense of alienation and inferiority that African-Americans felt in the United States because of the segregation and racism that prevailed. Nation of Islam also had the distinction of not being a form of Christianity, which meant that they could also say that Black Salvation did not require a "White-Man's" religion.

Who is the founder of the nation of Islam?

Nation Of Islam (NOI) is an organization with religion quite different from the main stream of Islam per Quran revelation to prophet Muhammad (PBUH). NOI was founded by Wallace D. Fard Muhammad.

Where did the Nation of Islam begin?

Unlike the religion called, Islam, which originated in Makkah (or Mecca), Saudi Arabia, the Nation of Islam is an African-American religious movement that came out of Detroit, Michigan.It is to be emphasized that Nation of Islam (NOI) is quite different than true Islam religion per Qur'an (as the last God holy book) revelation to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the last God prophet. Refer to related question below.

Related questions

When did he join the nation of Islam?


Which group did Malcolm X join while he was in prison?

he joined the nation of islam and ebdfhrbtgb3rtubgh

Do you need to be a muslin to join the Nation of Islam?

No. A Non-Muslim can convert to the African-American Nation of Islam. However, Whites and Jews are forbidden to convert.

When was Nation of Islam created?

Nation of Islam was created in 1930.

Why Did Muhammad Ali Leave the Nation of Islam?

He didn't leave the nation of Islam

Why is the Nation of Islam controversial?

The Nation of Islam is controversial because it is a racist (anti-White), anti-Semitic, homophobic organization. Note, however, that Nation of Islam is distinct from Sunni, Shiite, and Ibadi Islam. Read more about the Nation of Islam at the Related Link below.

Is Islam the same as the Nation of Islam?

No, Nation of Islam is quite different than true Islam. See related question below for more information.

While in prison which group did Malcolm X join?

He joined the Nation of Islam while in prison.

What key principle of the teachings of the Nation of Islam was the opposite of the goal of the civil rights movement in the South?

The Nation of Islam believed in separation of the races. -NovaNET

Did the Nation of Islam believe in violence or non-violence?

It depends on the particular Nation of Islam preacher. Some were more bellicose than others (advocating for actual attacks on whites or restricting violence to self-defense), but the Nation of Islam was certainly not a mirror of Reverend King's peaceful non-violence.It is important to note that the Nation of Islam is distinct from Sunni Islam in several key respects and the rules of the Nation of Islam are inconsistent with those of Sunni Islam.

Current head of the nation of Islam?

no there is no head of nation

Why did Muhammad ali join nation of Islam?

He received a message from an archangel named Gabriel, and after Gabriel told him to tell everyone about Islam, he took it upon himself to be the first one to spread it and believe it since an angel told him about the religion.