To find out if your name is on a Casino blacklist one would have to contact the casino.
Amarie Black
Blackburn is an Irish name meaning dark stream. Blackburn is a Scottish name from the Dumfries and Galloway and Borders area. You will also find in the area Black Sark, Scottish for shirt, Black Sike, a gutter or stream, and in England just over the border from Scotland Black Cleugh, meaning a ravine or narrow valley. Blackburn is definitely not an Irish name as Black in Irish is DUBH and the Irish way of spelling BURN is Byrne and Irish for stream is SRUTH.
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You can't. There is no such list. There were over eight million men who served in the US Army in WWII, so it would be a very, very long list, which is one reason no one has ever tried to compile such a master roster. You have to approach it from another direction, starting with the name of someone you believe might have been in the WWII Army, and checking to see what you can find on that individual.
Go to or if you know the name of the high school call and ask if they could give you the name of the Senior Class President,they should have that information for Senior Class Reunions.
To find out if your name is on a Casino blacklist one would have to contact the casino.
LeChiffre it was, but you could have find this on google!
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Buddy Casino's birth name is Hartmut Grabe.
Gyp Casino's birth name is Jesper Sporre.
There is not a casino in Georgia.
Crown Casino and Entertainment Complex
check my name black list or not
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Joe Casino's birth name is Donald Joe Duke.
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