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Al Qaeda is a international terrorism organization based mainly out of the Middle East and the KKK or the Ku Klux Klan are a white supremacist group from the United States. Al Qaeda's trademarks are of suicide bombings and simultaneous attacks while the KKK targeted African Americans in the past.

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Q: How are the KKK and Al-Qaeda different?
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Different colors used in KKK regalia indicated the role in the group played by the wearer.

Do the KKK kill Chinese?

Well usually its just african american they kill, but if they are true kkk they will kill anyone of a different color.

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How would a man being hunted by the KKK be different for his wife and children?

it would be differnt for his wife and kids because he would be gone all the time hideing from the kkk and his family wont have someone to protect them and they could get cuaght by the kkk to

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kkk kkk kkk

Are there any primary sources to emphasize the KKK's intimidation methods?

There is a lot of different literature and books that have been written about the methods and beliefs of the Ku Klux Klan. There are still KKK rallies hosted in different parts of the US.

What did the different robes mean to the ku klux klan?

wearing any robe associated with the KKK means you are a racist. the differences in robes are likely based upon rank within the KKK

Who is the cardinal of the kkk?

There was no cardinal of the KKK.