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The same way the American Government is selected they vote

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Q: How are leaders selected in China?
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How are the leaders of China selected?

a form of goverment

Are leaders selected in China?

The same way the American Government is selected they vote

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How are the leaders in Oman selected?

The leaders are born into the Said family.

How are the leaders chosen for china?

Leaders are not elected in China. They are selected by the upper echelon leaders of the Communist Party once every 10 years and that selection process is currently going on behind closed doors. So, the actual selection process, if you can call it that is a closely held secret.

How leaders is selected in Islam?

Leaders are selected by the Muslims within the Mosque because one person has the most knowledge on the Qur'an

What is a sentence with the words democracy and democratic?

In a democracy leaders are selected by democratic vote. Democratic vote is how leaders are selected in a democracy.