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Well there are a lot of article directories out there, so the best way to find the ones to submit to would be to do a search on Google for article directory or submit articles and you will find places to submit your article to.

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Q: How and where do i submit articles for publication?
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There are various sites on the web where you can submit your writing for publication. Some of the best sites are Ezine, hubpages, medium and storify.

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No, the Science Advances editor has not invited me to submit my research for publication.

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To add articles to a newsgroup, you can write or create posts relevant to the group's topic and submit them for publication. Ensure your articles comply with the group's guidelines and formatting requirements before posting. Additionally, actively engage with other members by commenting on their posts and contributing to discussions to increase visibility for your articles.

I have an Tamil article and I am writing poems and stories for a long time. I want to submit my articles and stories to any renowed publication..please give some idea?

Lot of Blogspots are provided to publish such type of articles .You have to login any Blogspot . or register

What is an editorial policy?

For a publication, an editorial policy is the way it frames its articles. Usually, the policy states exactly how articles will be edited and presented in the publication.

How can you submit articles you've written to answers com for publication?

Look to the menu on your left hand side. Scroll down and there will be a link named "Write Article." Follow the steps, and it will walk you through the process.

Can anyone tell me some well known websites where user's can submit articles and reviews for computing networking and video game related items?

you can submit your articles to - wixade - articlesbase - ezinearticles - zimbio - articlesgeek - articles

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The acceptance rate after review for this publication refers to the percentage of submitted articles that are approved for publication after being evaluated by reviewers.

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The main difference between the publication process for research articles in press and accepted status is that articles in press have been fully reviewed, revised, and accepted for publication, while articles in accepted status have been accepted but are still undergoing final formatting and editing before being published.

How do you submit freelance articles to MSN Online?

From what I see is you submit your articles to article directories to get traffic to your website and then get indexed by MSN, Yahoo, and Google. Just doing a Google search, i don't even have to go the any websites to see how marketers are "misleading" information or you may have misunderstood. You don't submit articles to MSN

In EDSeek which type of searchallows you to limit results to newspap articles or to articles written for professional audience?

publication search

Where can I go to find a little more information about

You have listed a website that does not exist. If you are referring to ezinearticles dot com, that would be the address and you can go directly to it. That particular website gives you a chance to submit articles on a wide variety of topics for publication to the Web.