look here: http://judoinfo.com/samurai.htm
Thats unknown, as Samurai didn't just spring up, like all the Samurai were just killed.
No, they did develop over a long time.
Its like evolution, its hard to say when a species changes to another, so nobody were the first samurai.
Between the 9th and 12th centuries powerful clans started to bend the laws in their own favor. The clans started taking over. Japan soon became a patchwork of private estates. The old government that had been in place for many years, became weak as landowners grew rich. The unstable environment allowed bandits to roam the vast lands of Japan. To protect themselves, the wealthy landowners raised armies that would protect them at all costs. and lo the samurai were born =D
A samurai started training at the age of 3
No, but some earned the right to fight for the shogan late in the feudal era.
bushido or the warrior cod is the code of the samurai
Samurai were from Japan, and the samurai sword is from Japan.
Samurai believed their swords were there souls. Samurai named their swords.
I don't now at all
2011 january
1986 in the US.
I don't know if this helps answers the question but, I hear that Power Rangers Samurai will be on Nickelodeon. It should start in Febuaray (If I am correct).
hi I have. A 1988 samurai and when I start it up it will not idle up at all I have to give it gas to idle up wondering if there's something I can do.
Try SoL, samurai of legend.Each samurai controls their own destiny, what will yours be? Start your journey now young warrior because it's a long road to becoming the SAMURAI OF LEGEND in the fastest paced online Samurai Gamehttp://www.samuraioflegend.com/register.php?REF=844986
A samurai started training at the age of 3
No, but some earned the right to fight for the shogan late in the feudal era.
Historically there are no geisha samurai. It was impossible for a woman to become a samurai. Geisha often entertained samurai but were never considered a samurai themselves.
no they are not