Physical education began in ancient China as a test to determine if one was physically fit enough to serve in the army or hold a civil service position. Civil service exams in ancient China were notoriously rigorous and tested many facets of the personality and physique.
yes they did beacause they needed education to work
Ancient India is in modern day India.
The current India, Pakistan, Bangladesh were parts of ancient India.
Asian ancient mediual madernc or in simpler words you can say the Indian history is divided into 3 periods HINDU.....when the Indian rulers ruled in India MUSLIM...when the mughals came India and established the mughal empire BRITISH.....when the east India company came India as a small trading group and consolidated power over India
your face made decisions in india it's tru it said on wikipedia
Radhakumud Mookerji has written: 'The fundamental unity of India' -- subject(s): Politics and government, Nationalism 'Chandragupta Maurya and His Times' -- subject(s): Politics and government, History 'Local government in ancient India' -- subject(s): Local government, Guilds, History 'Ancient India' -- subject(s): History 'Harsha' -- subject(s): History, Early 'The fundamental unity of India (from Hindu sources)' -- subject(s): Nationality 'Ancient Indian education' -- subject(s): History, Education, India, Hinduism and education, Buddhist education 'Notes on early Indian art' -- subject(s): Art, Hindu, Hindu Art 'Indian shipping' -- subject(s): History, Commerce, Shipping 'Asoka' -- subject(s): Inscriptions, Prakrit, Prakrit Inscriptions 'Ancient Indian education, Brahmanical and Buddhist' -- subject(s): Education, History
Daisy Sheokand has written: 'Development of physical education and sports in India' -- subject(s): History, Sports and state, Sports, Physical education and training
B. D. Basu has written: 'History of education in India, under the rule of the East India Company' -- subject(s): Accessible book, East India Company, Education, India, History 'History of Education in India'
Subimal Chandra Sarkar has written: 'Educational ideas and institutions in ancient India' -- subject(s): Education, History 'Some aspects of the earliest social history of India' -- subject(s): Social conditions
TISS is the only organization which will tell the origin and history of social work education in India.
8678697 like a boss.
8678697 like a boss.
Henry cro buck
they learned about buddism all day
India (gwalior)