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Yes. There have been many claimed sightings of the Loch Ness monster. Nessie has been seen and photographed hundreds of times.There even is video evidence.But no one has come forward with definite proof.Until they do,Loch Ness will remain shrouded in mystery.


You've contradicted yourself with that "Yes" and the "Nessie has been seen" sentence. Many photos have been taken but even ignoring the hoaxes, none have ever stood scrutiny, partly because most have no scale such as a boat. No real evidence of any large creatures living in the long, very deep, dark Loch has been produced.

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Q: Has anyone ever seen the Loch Ness Monster?
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Has the loch ness monster ever eaten anyone?

In 565, St. Columba claimed to have saved someone from a "sea monster", but this was in River Ness not Loch Ness

Will you ever find the loch ness monster?

there is no such thing then the loch ness monster

Why is there only one loch ness monster?

No Nessie is the one and only Loch Ness Monster ever

Have people ever see loch ness monster if so where?

All reported sightings of the Loch Ness Monster have been at Loch Ness in Scotland. None of these sightings have been verified.

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No, the Loch Ness creature has never been reported as approaching anyone less than all in an aggressive action. There was an old local legend of a monster attacking a woman that was attributed to the Loch Ness creature but this was later proven to be in a river and possibly a boar.

Have any body ever saw the Loch Ness Monster?


Is the loch ness monster a huge squid?

The loch ness monster can be anything! Some say it is a huge squid others may say that it's a dragon-like creature. I believe it looks like Crucio on "The Water Horse". The loch ness monster looks like what ever you think it does!

How long is the loch ness monsters neck?

There have been very few pictures of what some think is the mythical Loch Ness monster, and they have been very grainy at best. Because no one has ever been able to study a living or dead Loch Ness monster, it is impossible to get an accurate measurement.

How many teeth do an loch ness monster have?

No-one knows as no-one has ever caught it

What are the current behaviors of the Loch Ness monster?

As nobody has ever been able to prove conclusively that there even is a Loch Ness monster it would be virtually impossible to state what its current behaviour is with any degree of certainty.

Did the loch ness monster ever destroy anything?

There is still no clear evidence that there exists such a creature as the Loch Ness Monster; if it exists it has destroyed nothing that we know of, although presumably it eats (and thereby destroys) a lot of fish.

Did the Loch Ness monster ever had a baby?

Some people believe that there is more than one monster in the Loch. This leads others to believe she may have a mate or children