

Frederick Jackson turner

Updated: 8/23/2023
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15y ago

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Frederick Jackson Turner was an American historian in the early 20th century. He is best known for The Significance of the Frontier in American History. His thesis is that the westward movement greatly influenced American history and the growth of the American traits of character is generally accepted as valid.

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Frederick Jackson Turner believed Western expansion was the foundation for America after the colonial era. He felt is was responsible for the character of the nation.

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When was Frederick Jackson Turner born?

Frederick Jackson Turner was born in 1861.

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Frederick Jackson Turner Award was created in 1959.

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Frederick Jackson Turner argued that, since the American frontier was running out, overseas expansion would be a safety valve to keep Americans content.

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Frederick Jackson Turner

What is Frederick Jackson Turner's Frontier Thesis?

Frederick Jackson Turner felt that the frontier shaped the American identity. The frontier led to democracy and egalitarianism. Turner gave his thesis in Chicago in 1893 and it has become one of the most popular thesis in American history.

What argument did Frederick Jackson turner make to justify American imperialism?

Turner said that colonial expansion served the purpose that the frontier had for earlier Americans.

Who said The dominant fact in American life has been expansion was?

Frederick Jackson Turner, written in 1893

What made the Americans have such a unique civilization?

Frederick Jackson Turner felt it was the frontier spirit that made Americans unique.

When was Frederick Turner - poet - born?

Frederick Turner - poet - was born in 1943.

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Frederick Harding Turner died in 1915.

Expansionists such as Frederick Jackson Turner argued that a quest for empire would what?

you all suck restore the country's pioneer spirit.