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A great many units have been awarded the US Presidential Unit Citation since it was started from 7 December 1941. There are too many to list here. See the related links, below for a link to the list of awarded units on Wikipedia.

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3wyby3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment
1st Marine Division

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1 and 2nd bn. 27 inf. 25 inf.Div.

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Q: Find a list of army units that received presidential unit citation during Vietnam War?
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Did the 175th RR company receive a presidential unit citation during Vietnam?

No, it received the Meritorious Unit Commendation.

Did third 8 Inch Howitzer Battery receive a presidential unit citation for service in the republic of Vietnam?

I was assigned to 3rd 8 inch Howitzer Battery (SP), Rein., 11th Marines, 1st Marine Division from February 1967 to March 1969. We received a Presidential Unit Citation For sometime during the period I was there. I have the notation on my DD214.

What where the presidential election dates during the Vietnam War?

In the US, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972.

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The credibility gap

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The credibility gap

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Ha Noi, the capital of North Vietnam before and during the war years, remained as the capital of the united Vietnam. The former South Vietnam's Presidential Palace in Sai Gon became a museum.

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McCarthy ran on a Democratic anti-war platform during the 1968 presidential race.

How many congressional Medal of Honor received during the vietnam war?

•During the Vietnam War, 246 Medals of Honor were received, 154 of them posthumously(After Death). Army 160, followed by 57 to the Marines, 16 to the Navy and the remaining 13 to the Air Force

List recipients of presidential unit citation?

The Presidential Unit Citation came into existence during WWII. Unit recipients would be listed in your services awards and decorations regulations. Your S-1 office (orders, pay, etc) should know or can help.

Jon W Jones Purple Heart Vietnam?

An estimated 351,794 individuals received the Purple Heart during the Vietnam War and no comprehensive list exists.

On the class A uniform when can an individual wear the presidential unit citation only while in that unit or as part of the Class A uniform in any unit?

IF you were a member of that unit when it was awarded the unit citation, you can wear it while assigned to any unit. If the unit citation was awarded during a period when you were not a member of that unit, then you may only wear it while assigned to that unit.

Are Presidential Unit Citations giving to service members serving in Iraq during an Iraqi presidential election?

The Presidential Unit Citation is awarded to units deemed deserving by the President of the United States. If a soldier is in that particular unit during the time of the award, he or she may wear it on the Army Service Uniform throughout their military career. This is not an easy award to get and only a handful have been selected during the Global War on Terrorism.