No, it is not possible to legally buy a country. Countries are sovereign entities and cannot be bought or sold like property.
Legally you cannot use both surnames after your marriage.
A unitary government holds all power at, what we call in the United States, the federal level. There are no issues that the federal government cannot deal with. The opposite of unitary government is the federal government, meaning that there are multiple levels of government. The United States is a federal system of government, with power being shared between the state and federal governments.
Probably in a lot of states, but the only one I personally know of myself is Georgia. You cannot be kicked out until age 18, but if you leave at 17, the police cannot force you to go home.
Public services. People with disabilities cannot be denied participation in public service programs or activities that are available to people without disabilities.
No, an employee cannot legally block federal taxes from being withheld from their paycheck. It is a legal requirement for employers to withhold federal taxes from employee paychecks as mandated by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
The Federal Employees Political Activities Act states that an employee of the Federal government cannot be fired for airing their political views. This allowed employees of the Federal government to participate in political activities on their own time.
tax on church service
You cannot legally avoid paying social security taxes as they are mandatory for most employees and self-employed individuals.
No, felons in general cannot legally own firearms unless their rights have been restored.
In most cases federal employees cannot collect unemloyment. The reason for this that they cannot be fired at will. Due to the nature of their labor agreement they can only be fired for gross neglect of job responsibilties which would void any unemployment claim. If an employee of the federal government is laid off or their job is eliminated they may qualify for unemployment based on the requirements in their state. Fed employees are employed at will, and can be fired at will while on probation and fired for cause after probation. ALmost no fed employees have labor agreements. Labor agreement cannot void statutes about unemployment - no contract can violate a statute. No one who retires qualifies for uI benefits, RESERVED for folks actively seeking employment, which no retiree does.
As an private individual you cannot. It needs to be triangulated. This can only be done legally by the service provider and certain government departments.
You cannot "legalize" a null and void marriage. You need to get married "legally".You cannot "legalize" a null and void marriage. You need to get married "legally".You cannot "legalize" a null and void marriage. You need to get married "legally".You cannot "legalize" a null and void marriage. You need to get married "legally".
A minor cannot sign a deed so as to make it legally binding.A minor cannot sign a deed so as to make it legally binding.A minor cannot sign a deed so as to make it legally binding.A minor cannot sign a deed so as to make it legally binding.
You CANNOT LEGALLY download Pokemon Soulsilver.
As of June 2010, you cannot legally watch it online.
You cannot marry until legally divorced.