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They took shelter in basements and the London Subway system.

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Q: During the raids of 1940 Londoners took shelter in basement and in the tubes or?
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What were the Tubes in which Londoners took shelter during the raids of 1940?

They took shelter in the London subway system.

Where did people go during air raids and why?

during air raids people went into an air raid shelter , because it would be made out of thick concrete that would shelter and protect you from any ,type of bomb.

Where did civilians take shelter during the air raids?

they stayed at little villages such as Devon, cornwell and wales

Where did londoners go to escape bombings?

During German airstrikes in London during World War II, Londoners went down into the London subway system, called the "Underground" for protection against German bombs. This plan was actually successful, and many people survived the air raids. Children were routinely evacuated to country areas including Wales where the chances of bombing runs were minimal

Why is an Anderson shelter strong?

Anderson shelters were built to protect people from air raids during World War II. They were built strong to protect those inside.

Where did people go during air raids?

They stayed at home and waited to get blown up..

What was given to the raids during the S's in which police arrested thousands of suspected radicals?

Palmer Raids.

Who invented air raids themselves?

The Luftwaffe invented air raids during the Spanish Civil War.

What name was given to the raids during the 1920 in which police arrested thousand's of suspected radicals?

Palmer Raids.

Most German air attacks or air raids occurred during what time of day?

what is a series of air raids?

What name was given to the raids during the 1920s in which police arrested thousands of suspected radicals?

the red scare raids

What name was given to the raids during the 1920's in which police arrested thousands of suspected radicals?

The raids were named the "Palmer Raids," after the U.S. Attorney General at the time, A. Mitchell Palmer. Conducted under the leadership of Palmer, these raids targeted individuals suspected of being involved in communist or anarchist activities during the Red Scare of the 1920s.