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I was in the 25th in 1970....never heard of this base camp........ I spent many months at FSB holiday inn, I was with an artillary unit of the 1st inf. div. we had 6 105 howitzers I was the FDC section chief. I was also an FDC chief (Spec5), via speedy 5 school at Fort Sill , in the 1st inf div.............outside Ch Chi at an NDP/FSB called the best of my memory. Towed 105's. I can remember a lot of faces but few names anymore. I came home March '70. Not much else to say..........what a time it was.

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Q: During the Vietnam war just outside cu chi there was a fire support base called holiday inn. xt910335 manned by the big red one in 1968-1969.Is there any information on this area or any attacks on it?
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