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Catholics and Muslims

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Q: During the Middle Ages what two religions fought for control of Spain Apex?
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In the middle ages which two religions fought for the control of Spain?

muslim and catholics

What to religions fought in Europe during the middle ages?

yours and mine

Which religions have historically have struggled for control of the middle east?

All kinds of faiths from the religions of the Hittites, Egyptians and Amorites to Ba'al, El, Ashtoreth. Then the major faiths such as Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Greek thought and faith, Roman thought and imperial faith, Christianity, the Mithraic religions and Islam.

What religions were in conflict during the crusades and why did they fight?

The major religions in conflict during the Crusades were Christianity and Islam. The Crusades were a series of religious wars initiated by Christians to recapture holy lands in the Eastern Mediterranean from Muslim rule. The primary motivation for these conflicts was the desire to control key religious sites, particularly Jerusalem, which was sacred to both religions.

The crusades were fought between what two religions?

The Crusades were primarily fought between Christians from Western Europe and Muslims in the Middle East.

What two great European powers fought for control of Italy?

During the sixteenth and seventeenth century France and Spain fought for control of Italy.

Which religions were in conflict during the crusades?

The Crusades were holy wars fought between Christians in Europe and Muslims in the Middle East between 1095 and 1291.

What two groups fought control of Europe in middle ages?

Christians and Muslims !

What two groups fought the control of Europe in the middle ages?

Christian and Muslim

What two groups fought for control of Europe in the Middle Ages?

Christian and Muslim

What was England and France fighting control over?

In the Middle ages they consistently fought over control of Brittany and Normandy

Who fought in Stalingrad?

During the battle both Russians and Germans fought each other for control of the city .