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Q: During the Golden Age of Islam became the center of Islamic culture?
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During the Golden Age of Islam became the center of Islamic culture.?


During the Golden Age of Islam who became the center of Islamic culture?

It was during the rule of Haroon Ul Rasheed Abbasi in Baghdad and Abdul Rahman - III in spain that the Muslims turned to all fields of knowledge. These were the Golden periods of Muslim history.

The develop what became known as the golden age of Persian culture?

The reign of King Darius became known as the Golden age of Persia. During King Darius's reign Persia stretch from Europe to Asia.

When was the Islamic empire golden age?

The years 800 A.D to 1100 A.D are considered a great period in the history of islam, also known as the Golden Age of Islam. During this period , literature flourished, medical and mathematical knowledge increased and scientific inventions were accomplished. Hospitals were established and public libraries were given particular attentions. For example, more than 100 public libraries were founded in Baghdad , and the library of Cairo contained about 1,600,000 volumes.

Who became Athens leading philosopher during golden age?


Which city became part of the lslamic empire first?

The city, Medina, was first to be a part of the Islamic empire. It had been there at Muhammad's death.

When did Damascus become Islamic?

Damascus was conquered during the reign of second Rightful Caliph Hazrat Omar (RAU). It became Islamic in 638 CE.

How did Greek and roman culture also influence Islamic culture?

Roman culture did not have much influence. Greek culture did. The Arabs read the scrolls in the library in Alexandria and became very interested in Greek science and mathematics, which helped them with the scientific advances they made in their age of splendour, which was at the time of the European Middle Ages.

When did newpapers become popular?

During the Enlightenment, when a print culture became popular

How did Muslim poetry change during thia time?

During the Islamic Golden Age, Muslim poetry saw an increase in themes such as love, nature, and spirituality. Poets became more innovative in their use of language and poetic forms. There was also a greater emphasis on expressing individual emotions and experiences in poetry.

How did Islam influence the culture?

It is not an impact as much as architecture being flourish in the golden era of Islam. Many forms of civilization evolved at that time in the Muslim country, Architecture, Medicine, Mathematics, astronomy and others.

Who became Athens leading philosopher during its golden age?
