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Q: During the Age of Imperialism Britain and Russia disagreed over the control of which country in the Middle East?
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What is it called when one country takes control of another country?


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What is the policy by which one country takes control of the economic and political affairs of another country?

imperialism (im 99% sure)

What is the practice of one country taking control of another country's government and economy?

It is imperialism.

What is imperial discourse?

Imperialism is a the formation of an empire when one country takes control over another country. An imperial discourse is the formal treatment of imperialism.

What's the practice of one country taking control of another country's government and economy?

Imperialism is the practice of one country taking control of another country's government and economy.

Domination by a country of the political economic or cultural life of another country or region?

Imperialism is the domination by a country of the political, economic and cultural life of another country. This is an unequal territorial situation. Based on a dominant militaristic attitude and feeling of superiority, in proceeds to put the control of one state over the country and people of another.

What was indirect imperialism?

Indirect imperialism is manipulating the government and economy to benefit the mother country, while direct imperialism is sending settlers to the colony to control it. The United States used indirect imperialism with Cuba and the Philippines.

What country founded Singapore?

Britain took control of Singapore.

What country took control of Singapore?


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What is the best description for imperialism?

The desire or tendency of extending control of one country over another territory is referred to as imperialism