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It has nothing to do with the Hippocratic oath. They sound similar but their roots mean different things.

Hippocratic oath is a Code of Conduct for practicing medicine. It was written by the accepted father of medicine, Hippocrates of Kos ['Ιπποκράτης ο Κώος], and was honoured for centuries. Although Hippocrates created the oath, it was Galeno, roman doctor to 4 emperors, who cemented it into medical history by popularizing it.

Hypocrite [pretender] is someone who performs hypocrisy, one that pretends like actors/ actresses].

From the etymological point of view Hippocrates means that someone holds a horse [ίππον κρατεί] while hypocrite means the person who hides the truth [υπό - κριτής, υπο - κρύπτων]. Hypo is a Greek root meaning "under" or "beneath"; combined with the verb "krinein", meaning to sift or decide.

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Q: Does the etymology of hypocrite have anything to do with the hippocratic oath?
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Does the etymology of the word hypocrite have anything to do with the hippocratic oath?

No. We trace "hypocrite" to the Greek word for "actor," from which we derive our current meaning of one who pretends to be what he is not or one who pretends to have principles or beliefs that he does not have.The Hippocratic Oath, on the other hand, takes its name from the Greek physician Hippocrates, often called the father of medicine, who lived from about 460 B.C. to about 377 B.C. Although some people joke bitterly that the Hippocratic Oath is hypocritical, anyone who has attended a medical school graduation at which newly graduated physicians take this Oath will sense the seriousness and passion that medical people feel for the sentiments it expresses. For more information about the Oath, see

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The Hippocratic Oath was written in the 4th century B.C. by Hippocrates.

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Where does the word hypocrite come from?

I don't know for certain, but I think that the word hippocrit comes from Hippocrate, a very influencial person in the history of medicine. Doctors are supposed to have to take a Hippocratic oath and if you break the oath you were a hippocrit... well thats what makes sense anyway.

Why is the hippocratic oath considered a medical advance?

The hippocratic oath is a medical advance because it forces doctors to pledge not to do harm to their patients.

Why is Hippocratic oath considered a medical advance?

The hippocratic oath is a medical advance because it forces doctors to pledge not to do harm to their patients.