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Q: Does the Naval Academy issue computers to Midshipmen?
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What does it cost to get into the Naval Academy?

As of July 2010, our the bean counters pegged it at $400, 000 (the cost of which includes tuition, room and board, meals and TRAINING)

Can you go to the NFL from navy midshipmen?

The NFL could draft you, but they would have to wait for you. But they couldn't sign you to a contract until you get out of the military. After the military service obligation is up, then you could play. The NBA had this issue as well.

What tool is used to diagnose power-related issue on computers?

You can a standard multimeter.

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What color shoes do naval aviators wear?

Observations of both Air Force & Naval Air Crewmen indicated black combat boots, similar to US Ground Troop issue; often with zippers instead of laces.

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DMZ matters to what area of computers?

Traditional DMZs allow computers behind the firewall to initiate requests outbound to the DMZ. Computers in the DMZ in turn respond, forward or re-issue requests out to the Internet or other public network.

What are the downfalls about apple computers?

Price and Networking. That's all. Compatibility used to be an issue, but it isn't anymore.

Does anyone have any Comment about fieldstone academy?

A friend of mine told me that Fieldstone Academy is giving out some pretty good deals for their summer program, if money is a big issue. You can see their site at

A central issue of public sharing is how?

How much information we share.

How do you deactivate iTunes on computers to which you no longer have access?

If you cannot access the computer you will have to de-authorize your account on your computer for ALL computers. Then re-authorize it again and go to your other computers and authorize them again. This is usually not an issue unless you are maxed out at five and want to add one.

Did the soldiers of World War II carry emergency signaling mirrors?

No, at least not the ground troops. They were a part of the standard issue to Naval and Army air crew.