No. Statistics are broken out by regular season and postseason. Yardage or interceptions or such that is done in the postseason will count towards that player's career postseason stats.
Because otherwise it would be unfair to players who failed to make the postseason playoffs. An average player on a good team would be able to increase their stats, while a better player with the misfortune to be on a poor team could easily wind up with lower career stats.
No. A player's statistics will be broken down into regular season and postseason but not preseason. Preseason games are considered practice and a time to find out who will make the team. Many players play in preseason games that don't make the team or would get limited playing time if they do make the team. So preseason statistics do not count towards career totals. Quite frankly, I don't know if any team even keeps historical preseason statistical data.
Yes they do.
== == No, post-season home runs don't count in a player's career totals. No post-season stats count towards career totals. They go in a separate category, usually entitled "Postseason Career."
30 teams with 23 active players each. 30 * 23 = 690 players. This doesn't include any players on IR though. Other players can be called up to replace them and the IR players don't count towards the 23 man roster limit. Teams are only allowed to play 20 players in any game. The normal breakdown is 12 forwards (4 lines), 6 defensemen (3 pairings) and 2 goaltenders. The other 3 players on their roster are "scratches" and are not allowed to participate in that game.
Because otherwise it would be unfair to players who failed to make the postseason playoffs. An average player on a good team would be able to increase their stats, while a better player with the misfortune to be on a poor team could easily wind up with lower career stats.
Yes they do
no, they are categorized seperately
No, the only home runs that would count towards career home runs are thise hit in regular season games. Home runs for all star games and postseason games are kept as separate statistics.
No. A player's statistics will be broken down into regular season and postseason but not preseason. Preseason games are considered practice and a time to find out who will make the team. Many players play in preseason games that don't make the team or would get limited playing time if they do make the team. So preseason statistics do not count towards career totals. Quite frankly, I don't know if any team even keeps historical preseason statistical data.
They are still points, aren't they? Yes, they are added. Correction: Actually no, points scored in nba playoff games are not added to the total points scored in a players career. Career points scored for a player usually only refers to the regular season and does not include the nba postseason or aka playoffs. It is because technically playoff games are considered exhibition games, so while stats are also kept for these exhibition games the exhibition games do not count towards a players career total. For example the nba all-star game is also an exhibition game, so any points scored during the all star game will not count towards a players point total for the season or his career. Same goes for rebounds, blocks, assists, etc.
Yes they do.
You only get points for your Active players. Your reserves (or BENCH) players do get points, but their points do not count towards your total.
== == No, post-season home runs don't count in a player's career totals. No post-season stats count towards career totals. They go in a separate category, usually entitled "Postseason Career."
In most cases, the bibliography does not count towards the page count of a written assignment.