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AD is after and BC before

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14y ago

It goes after the year.. Example 1993 AD.

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Q: Does AD go before or after the year?
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any year after AD 800 and before AD 901

What is a year in the ninth century ad?

any year after AD 800 and before AD 901

What year comes before 1 BC?

2 B.C.The years before 1 AD go backwards; 2 BC was before 1 BC, 3 BC was before 2 BC, and so on. After 1 AD, the years go forward; 1, 2, 3....(We are in the year 2011 A.D.)

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What year is in the ninth century?

any year after AD 800 and before AD 901

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No. 55 AD came 4 years later than 51 AD.

What do ad and bc mean related to time?

BC = before christ AD = Anno Domini (year of our Lord) we are in the year 2011, time before year 1 was BC time afterwards (what we live in) is AD

What is an example of AD in history?

AD stands for Anno Domini and is the dating system used after the birth of Christ in the year 0. All years before that are known as BC or Before Christ. An example is 2016 AD, which is the year we are currently in and every year since the year 0 is an AD year.

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1776 AD means the year 1776 after christ was born, this year is 2011 AD. Forty years before Jesus was born it was 40 BC. BC: Before Christ AD: After Death

What years should you put ad after?

AD comes after the year provided it is after Jesus Christ's birth. Before his birth, BC comes before the year.

Did AD come before or after BC?

AD followed BC. BC stood for Before Christ, and AD after him (Anno Domini, "year of our lord").Note that this means 1 BC was immediately followed by 1 AD, with no "zero year" between them.

Did Marcus Aurelius die in the year AD or CE?

Please note that AD and CE are the same year systems - the opposite of AD is BC, or BCE (Before Christ, Before the Common Era). Marcus Aurelius was born in 126 AD and passed away in 180 AD.