

Do all fruit have seeds

Updated: 8/19/2022
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16y ago

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Anything with seeds should be considered a fruit.

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15y ago

yes all fruuits have seeds

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Q: Do all fruit have seeds
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Which fruit has no seeds?

All fruits have seeds, that is what makes a fruit a fruit. :)

Does a fruit have to have seeds to be a fruit?

most fruits do have seeds, but so do all plants, and vegetables

Are fruit trees renewable?

All fruit contains seeds, therefore, they are renewable, if you are able to access seeds

What fruit or vegetable's have seeds?

butternut squash for the vegetable and for the fruit an orange, cantaloupe or an apple All fruit and vegetables have seeds.

Is a cantelope a fruit or vegetable?

Cantelope is a melon, like a watermelon which is a fruit, so technically, cantaloupe is a fruit.

Is there any fruit that has many seeds in it?

Yes. The pomegranate is almost all seeds.

Is a endive a vegetable?

if it has seeds then its a fruit if theres no seeds at all inside it then its a vegetable.u think a tomato is a its a fruit because it has seeds in it.

Are strawberries a multi seed fruit?

Yes, and it's the only fruit that has it's seeds on the outside of the fruit itself. All of those tiny dots that you can see on the surface are seeds.

Is strawberry a fruit or vegetable?

Fruits have seeds. Strawberrys have seeds, although they are on the outside, so they are considered fruit.

How and why are pumpkins filled with seeds?

because all fruit have seeds its just natural then how would they reproduce.

Do flowers protect the seeds or fruit?

After pollination, fertilization takes place. then the ovaries grow into fruits and ovules grow into seeds. That Is All.

Is there any fruit which does not have any seed?

No. In order for the fruit to be there, it had to have reproduced somehow. All fruits have seeds.