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Yes. Traditionalist and Orthodox Jews (Jews who adhere to both Torah and Talmudic Law) are not supposed to touch or interact with Gentiles. Coming into contact with a Gentile is as unclean as coming into contact with urine or feces.

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Q: Do Jewish people consider Gentiles unclean?
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How do you use the word gentiles in a sentence?

The word gentiles was used to denote all non-Jewish people.

What is the significance of gentiles?

Gentiles refer to non-Jewish people in Jewish scriptures and traditions. The significance lies in the historical context of the interactions between Jewish and non-Jewish communities, highlighting themes of inclusivity, diversity, and unity among different groups. Understanding the treatment of gentiles in religious texts can provide insight into the principles of tolerance, respect, and cooperation across diverse cultures and faiths.

What is the opinion Jewish and gentiles?

Jewish people were more religious people, they considered themselves as the children of Abrahamand gods on chosen people. The gentiles were not holy .Correction:Jews do not believe that Gentiles are not holy. This is an error. Orthodox Judaism states that Gentiles have a huge advantage over Jews because they only have 7 laws to achieve holiness, whereas Jews have 613.Otherwise, Judaism makes no comments whatsoever on other religious beliefs.

Are there any other people apart from Jews and Gentiles?

The word 'Gentile' comes from the Hebrew for 'foreigner'. So, from a Jewish point of view, there were only Jews and Gentiles.

Are the Gentiles a nation of white people?

The modern definition of a "Gentile" is basically a non-Jewish person.

. St. Paul was a follower of Jesus who spread Jesus and rsquo teachings to people other than the Jews. St. Paul thought of himself as an apostle to which of these people?

To the gentiles = any non Jewish people Romans 11:13 For I speak to you Gentiles; inasmuch as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, .....................

Where did the Jewish people hid during the holocaust?

Most could not and did not hide, those that did; did so with the help of gentiles.

Non Jewish people are called?

Non-Jews are sometimes also called gentiles or goy (plural = goyim).

What is the difference between Christians and gentiles?

Generally speaking gentiles are people that are not Jewish. However that is with the exception of some Jews that are also Christians. Normally, in the New Testament at least, the contrast is made between Jews (God's chosen people) and Gentiles (Non-Jews). Most Christians are in fact Gentiles at the same time, so the two groups are not exclusive. The same would apply to Jewish Christians. Of course it must not be forgotten that many Gentiles are also not Christian and so there would be a difference in terms of them accepting or not accepting Jesus Christ.

What made people want to be Jewish?

Other way round. Lots of Jews tried to pretend they were gentiles, to avoid persecution.

How did non Jewish people resist ghettos?

Some Gentiles risked their lives by going into the ghettos and smuggling food or helping the Jews escape.