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Virtually All Christians believe that the dinosaurs lived millions of years ago and were killed when a giant meteor struck Mexico and set off an explosion that covered the entire planet with dirty clouds for many years.

AnswerChristians certainly believe that dinosaurs existed. They were created by God on day 6 of creation week. While many Christians believe in evolution and an old-earth, many also believe what The Bible states about the history of the earth -that it is around 6000 years old and that the fossils we find are evidence of the global flood described in Genesis.

Further to this, many Christians also believe that the widespread accounts of man's encounters with dinosaurs (including over 200 documented sites in England alone) are evidence of the post-flood survival of some of these creatures taken aboard Noah's ark. Christians who are evolutionists may dismiss all these accounts as myth and legend including hundreds of accounts from various indigenous people-groups around the world including American Indians.

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Some Christians do not believe that dinosaurs existed, no. Some Christians take the Bible literally, at face value, which means they believe the world began with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and that God created all of the animals at once, and none of them have ever evolved or changed.

Basically, evolution (as well as the majority of scientific knowledge mankind possesses today) directly contradicts the explanation of how the world came to be in the book of Genesis (the first chapter of the Bible). This is not a problem for the majority of Christians, who believe that the stories in the Bible should be taken metaphorically or symbolically. But those who cannot bear to consider the Bible's Creation myth to be just that -- a Creation myth, no more true and accurate than any other religion or culture's Creation myth -- and instead insist upon viewing it as a history textbook, cannot reconcile evolution with their beliefs.

Since you have to believe in evolution in order to believe that dinosaurs existed, those who take the Bible literally will vehemently deny that dinosaurs ever existed.

When confronted with the irrefutable proof -- dinosaur bones -- they insist that the bones were planted there by God to trick people and test their faith. Denial often leads to very creative "theories" like this.

AnswerYes, Christians believe in dinosaurs. Not every animal is listed in the Bible. Some believe there are references to dinosaur-like creatures. But then some will say they did not and God put their fossils in place to test their faith.
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