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The White House staff does whatever the president assigns them. The Cabinet serves as an advisory body to the president.

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Q: Differences between White House Staff and Cabinet?
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Why is there a tension between the white house staff and the cabinet secretaries?

There can be tension between the White House staff and cabinet secretaries due to a variety of reasons. One reason could be a difference in priorities and agendas. Cabinet secretaries may have their own policy goals and feel that the White House is not supportive enough. Additionally, there can be power struggles between the White House staff seeking to maintain control and cabinet secretaries who want more autonomy in decision-making. Overall, the tension can stem from conflicting interests and dynamics within the administration.

What is the exsecutive branch of your governmenty?

The president and his/her cabinet and staff, often called "the White House."

What group of advisors help the US President?

The president's Cabinet is made of the secretaries of the various departments of government. The president also had a White House staff and the joint chiefs of staff for military advice.

Richard Nixon shifted much of the authority of the cabinet to who?

his personal White House staff.

What is the name for the advisory board to the president?

This group is called the President's Cabinet.

What is the term for the group of people who assist the president?

His cabinet runs the various departments of government and advises him. The White House staff helps him do his job.

What are the differences between the service staff and food preparation positions?

Service staff are waitstaff, maitre'd , host, and do not go into the kitchen proper. Prep staff stays in the kitchen.

What is the relationships between the president and his cabinet staff?

Cabinet members can meet with the president, can discuss issues at cabinet meetings, and send memos to the president. The frequency of meetings depends on the president and the circumstances .

What is the highest ranking Cabinet Department?

chief of staff

Is Army Chief of Staff a cabinet position?

No, the Army Chief of Staff is not a cabinet position. The Army Chief of Staff is a senior position within the U.S. Army and is responsible for the organization, training, and equipping of the army. However, the Department of Defense, which oversees the military branches, is a part of the President's cabinet.

What sre some of the departments represented in the president's cabinet?

Some the departments include the Secretary of State, Attorney General, Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of Defense. The Vice-President and the White House Chief of Staff are cabinet-level officers.

Who are the elected White House officials?

The only elected members of the executive branch of the US government are the president and the vice-president. The cabinet and the white house staff are all appointed by the president, with confirmation by the Senate.