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No they did not. Egypt did not have much gold. The main gold mine in the Roman Empire was Las Medulas. The other major mines were and Dacia (Romania) and there were mines in Wales France, northern Italy, Austria, Croatia Serbia.

The Romans annexed Egypt because its queen, Cleopatra VII, was the lover and ally of Marc Antony, with whom she had three children. Marc Antony and Cleopatra fought against Octavian in the Final Civil War of the Roman Republic, which was a fight over who would become the sole ruler of Rome and her territories. Marc Antony and Cleopatra lost and Egypt was annexed.

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Why did the Romans invide Egypt?

The Romans did not exactly invade Egypt. They annexed it to their empire because they had won it in the last civil war.The Romans did not exactly invade Egypt. They annexed it to their empire because they had won it in the last civil war.The Romans did not exactly invade Egypt. They annexed it to their empire because they had won it in the last civil war.The Romans did not exactly invade Egypt. They annexed it to their empire because they had won it in the last civil war.The Romans did not exactly invade Egypt. They annexed it to their empire because they had won it in the last civil war.The Romans did not exactly invade Egypt. They annexed it to their empire because they had won it in the last civil war.The Romans did not exactly invade Egypt. They annexed it to their empire because they had won it in the last civil war.The Romans did not exactly invade Egypt. They annexed it to their empire because they had won it in the last civil war.The Romans did not exactly invade Egypt. They annexed it to their empire because they had won it in the last civil war.

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