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On a management level- yes! Tribal chiefs ( who were Blacks) used the slave merchants ( White0 as a sort of clearinghouse to dispose of prisoners, tribal outcasts, and the like , they were financially compensated for this. The Blacks were in part- dumped into the slave system by other BlACKS. Another oddity- for the most part, Major religious bodies ignored the whole Slave Trade as more or less a necessary evil ( like, perhaps capital punishment)- and did not preach or come out with Encyclicals on the institution itself., Individual ministers, yes, organized denominations- but rarely. As far as I know no Pope ever condemned the practices of Slavery!

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Why did europeans participate in the slave trade'?

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What did the Atlantic slave trade trade?

slaves hence the name Atlantic SLAVE trade

Why did Brazil participate in the slave trade?

For the money and the slave labor; the same reason everyone else participated in the slave trade.

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slaves were the most important things in the slave trade

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Some African rulers participated in the slave trade by capturing and selling slaves from rival tribes as a way to gain wealth and power. They collaborated with European slave traders who provided weapons and goods in exchange for slaves. This collaboration allowed these rulers to strengthen their own positions while contributing to the transatlantic slave trade.

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The slave trade has not been stopped - there are still slaves in parts of the modern world.

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Slave families were split up ~APEX~

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In West African cultures, slaves were allowed to own slaves of their own, while those in the Atlantic slave trade were not.

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British opponents of the slave trade were Americans and French because the Americans did not like slaves and they did not want there to be slaves in British territories

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In West African cultures, slaves were allowed to own slaves of their own, while those in the Atlantic slave trade were not.