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Not often - it would be very counter-cultural.

However, there was a well-established tradition of the planters' sons gaining their first sexual experience with female house-slaves, since the daughters of those families were so carefully chaperoned.

The black women involved did not especially mind this duty. It bound them closer to the families, and they often became trusted friends of the planters.

One effect, however, was to alienate the male slaves, who were mostly kept out in the field, making them feel like a lower form of life, and watching their womenfolk gaining favours and more-or-less official higher status.

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Where did Roman slaves sleep at night?

slaves slep where ever they could weather in the masters bacement or in the barn on some hay

When does racism take place?

Racism is the opposition or ridicule of a certain race. Racism takes place when ever there is the degradation of a certain race. An example of this would be when white slave masters would control the African American slaves.

Was John Hancock a slave owner?

There is no evidence that John Hancock ever bought or sold slaves.----WRONG There is evidence that John Hancock did have one slave to help around the house.

How were slaves branded?

The people who did the branding would tie the slaves wrists behind their back and put there face down on something like a piece of wood or table. They would then heat the piece of metal that had something written on it (what ever the owner wanted the slave to have branded on them). The slave would then be branded on the cheek (or what ever part of the body was chosen.

How were slaves threated under roman laws?

Answer 1: They weren't treated badly, some even stayed with their masters in their own will, although others were treated a little bit worse Slaves were able to buy their freedom and some got released after a long period of service. Answer 2: The slaves of Rome were treated horribly. Look into the slavery uprisings that occurred throughout the history of Rome. The insinuation that there has ever been a fairly treated slave is a miscalculation in ethics and logic, not to mention revisionist history. One such example of the slave uprisings is the Spartacus case (111-71 BCE). Spartacus was a Thracian gladiator, and all gladiators were slaves. Being forced to killed someone for sport is not exactly morally sound or ethical. For more information about the treatment of slaves in Rome look up Gauls Crixus, Oenomaus, Castus, Gannicus, and Roman Republic slave uprisings such as the Third Servile War. Rome perished for a good reason, it lacked a strong constitution that provided for the rights of all men and women along with an appropriate separation/division of powers.

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Did slave owners ever inspect their slaves?

Yes, to get rid of them

What were the enslaved African Americans purpose in the colonies?

African Americans were called along with other slaves such as Indians, indentured slaves. An indentured slave is a slave who, after a certain number of years is released. They are brought to America, and by working for their masters, their debt is payed off year by year. Anyway, the slaves were for teaching children, cleaning, farming, and mining gold and just about anything else slaves have ever been used for

Where did Roman slaves sleep at night?

slaves slep where ever they could weather in the masters bacement or in the barn on some hay

When does racism take place?

Racism is the opposition or ridicule of a certain race. Racism takes place when ever there is the degradation of a certain race. An example of this would be when white slave masters would control the African American slaves.

How did people become slaves in mesopotamia?

To become a slave in a war what ever side that loses has to run and if you were caught you would have to become a slave

Would slaves ever be given a diary by their masters?

Unfortionatly there is no evidence i know of this, however ask chuck noris

Does any one know if Mae Jemisons parents were slaves Or even if SHE was a slave Thank You to who ever can answers me?

Mae Jemison was a slave, not her parents. She stopped being a slave in 1849.

Why are slaves cheaper now than at any point in history?

Slaves today are cheaper than ever. In 1850, an average slave in the American South cost the equivalent of $40,000 in today's money. Today a slave costs about

What was life like for a Georgia slave during the antebellum period?

Life was not good, all blacks in the south were monitored where ever they went. Slaves had to carry passes whenever they went somewhere for their masters. They usually were not allowed to "officially" marry, they could be separated from their family members at any point in time, it was illegal for slaves to know how to read and write and their native religions were usually suppressed. Life was not good at all for a slave.

Did slaves help the slave hunter to catch other slaves?

If their fellow slaves had run away then the slave owner would not allow his or her other slaves to assist them, because they might have led the owner in a wrong direction to make sure the runaway wasn't ever brought in to justice. In short, no, because they couldn't trust the other slaves not to mislead them.

Did slaves ever get praised?

Yes, a common misconception is that all slave owners were cruel. That is just simply not the case.

When was first ever carnival?

it was started by the African slaves. it was like rebellion to there slave-master and mock them at the same time.