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Yes men and women worked in factories

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Q: Did men and women work in factories in the 1900s?
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Do the men or the woman work in Liberia?

Yes, the men work in factories and the women stay at home with the kids

Why were women not allowed to work in factorys?

they were allowed to work in factories since men were at war

Which is a reason that women were frequently hired to work in the factories?

The factories could pay women lower wages than they could pay men.

Why do women still work in factories?

Some women work in factories to make money. Women have fine motor skills which help them work efficiently. And women are paid less than men so there is more profit for the factory owner.

How did the image of women change in the 1920's?

1920's was typically around WW1 and when the men went to war, there were no men to work in factories so they eventually let the women start to work in factories. then slowly after that women started to be seen more equally

Women in factories in World War 2?

women working in factories in ww2 did lots. the work in the factories because all the men were fighting and they needed somebody to make supplies of the men at war. the women made aircraft's, ammunition, weapons and over thing needed. it was essential for woman to work in the factories or the allied peoples victory would have lost.

How were women affected by men going to war?

They had to work in the factories for the first time ever.

What were jobs for women in the 1700's?

in the 1700- 1840s women could work in cotton factories along with men and children.

In the Industrial Revolution in factories who worked more women children or men?

children because that is who they could afford. children would work for less that women and men

Did men work in the factories during the world war?

Not all men were qualified to serve in the military. Those exempt for reasons of health or age were still able to work in factories. Additionally many women also filled the many vacant positions in factories.

Did Women and children in the work force get paid the same a men during the 1860s to 1900s?

No, the case of the diabetes is real.

Were men dominant over women in the early 1900s?

yes men were considered dominant over women in the early 1900s. It wasn't until 1920 that women had any right to vote. Even then women still did not have equal rights as men did.