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john Locke believed that people could be trusted to govern. He believed that people had the right to life, liberty, and property. He said that people should have a word in who should be governing them !

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Yes, he believed that people had the power of reason and that they should be involved.

It was Hobbes who believed that people would do no good being involved in government.

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Q: Did john Locke believe tha people can be trusted to govern?
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Did john Locke believe people were capable of governing themselves?

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English philosopher who believed people had the gift of reason and the right to govern their own affairs Author of Treatises on government?

That would be John Locke

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john Locke believed that all people had rights that no government could take away. John Locke expressed this in 3 ways life, liberty and property.

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John Locke would likely have agreed with statements promoting individual rights, the idea of a social contract between government and citizens, and the belief that government exists to protect people's natural rights to life, liberty, and property.

What natural rights did political theorist John Locke believe people have?

John Locke believed that people have the natural rights of life, liberty, and property. He argued that these rights were inherent and individuals were entitled to them from birth. Locke believed that government existed to protect these rights and that people had the right to overthrow a government that failed to do so.

Did john Locke believe people were good or evil?

John Locke believed that people were born as a blank slate, or tabula rasa, and that their character was shaped by their experiences and environment. He did not believe that people were inherently good or evil, but rather that they had the capacity to act in ways that aligned with reason and natural law.

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