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Like Italy and Germany, Japan made their own...they had to in order to supply them with parts and ammunition. Great Britain and the USSR (Russia) used American-made include warships, airplanes, tanks, machinguns, and rifles.


Not entirely. Both GB and the USSR built huge quantities of arms for themselves..

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Yes they did ...

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Q: Did japan use american-made weapons during world war 2?
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How were the nuclear weapons used during World War 2?

Dropped on Japan to end the war.

How many nuclure bombs were dropped in japan during world war 2?

In 1945 two atomic weapons were used against Japan .

What country did America drop two atomic bombs on?

Nuclear weapons have only been used in combat on Japan.

What was the purpose of nuclear and atomic weapons during World War 2?

The US wanted these weapons to be used against Germany, before they could use them against the Allies. However Germany was defeated with conventional weapons before these weapons were ready. So the US decided to use them on Japan as soon as they were ready, to end the war without having to invade Japan.

Did the US unleash nuclear weapons during the cold war?

No. No nuclear weapons have ever been used in an act of war besides the two dropped on Japan during the Second World War. The United States and Russia both produced enormous amounts of nuclear weapons during the Cold War, though none were used.

Why did Japan surrenderd in World War 2?

I believe Japan surrendered because we threatened them with nuclear weapons.

Were nuclear weapons first used by japan against the US during World War 1?

No, they did not exist until July 1945. WW1 was over before 1920.

Did japan had done the experiment with nuclear weapon during world war 2?

Japan did research on nuclear weapons in WW2 but never got near planning to build one, let alone making and testing one.

Why did they come up with nuclear weapons?

to use against Japan in world war II

Who is the only president to authorize the use of nuclear weapons?

Harry S. Truman is the only president who authorized the use of nuclear weapons, ordering the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan during World War II in 1945.

What role did nuclear weapons play in the allied victory during World War 2?

Two were dropped on Japan, which gave them an excuse to end the war quickly without losing face.

What two cities used atomic weapons you World War 2?

Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan.