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Very very common. But one must be careful when using that word "tour." It might be different in the Marine Corps or Navy or Air Force. In the US Army the first tour was a year (12 months). After that, they were in six month increments. Therefore, if a vet says he did 3 tours with the US Army in Vietnam, then that's only 2 years (12 months for the first tour, plus 6 months for the second tour, then 6 months for his third and last tour). And any man doing over 18 months with the US Army in Vietnam almost certainly had to have re-upped (re-enlisted), and was no longer a draftee.

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Yes his name was CPL Wolfe 3rd MAR DIV 3RD RECON Bn. Check the Marine Corps Gazette Oct 1967

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Q: Did any US soldiers serve four combat tours of duty in Vietnam?
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Did soldiers serve the length of the war of tours of duty?

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How often did soldiers fight in Vietnam?

The regular conscripted soldiers were put on 100 days tours of duty. How often they actually had to fight battles depended on where they were stationed and what their mission was.

How can one register for tours in Vietnam?

One can register for tours in Vietnam by going on vacation tour websites such as Exotissimo, Ann Tours, and Viator. They offer a list of things to do while visiting Vietnam.

After the Vietnam war did the returned soldiers turn to drugs?

Most of us did not. I drank a lot but havn't now for many years. Most of us were busy working and raising families after our tours. The vast majority of us Vietnam veterans were everyday working people that were unrecognized for our sacrifice but were mostly silent about our service because we and the cause were so unpopular. A US Army (CIB) Vietnam Combat Veteran.

How many soldiers were deployed in the Vietnam War?

500,000 men were maintained in Vietnam during it's height. Rotations from the US maintained that level, allowing for 1 year rotations (one year tours, at least for the US Army). The half of a million men consisted of marines, soldiers, airmen, sailors, and Coast Guardsmen.

Why is Saint Martin of Tours the patron saint of soldiers?

Martin of Tours was, himself, a soldier.

When was colin Powell sent to fight?

Powell served two combat tours in the Vietnam war, first tour in about 1961 as a captain and the 2nd tour as a major with the 23rd infantry in 1967, wounded twice.

Was the USS Bennington CVS 20 outside Vietnam in 1964?

It's tours in Vietnam were 1965 to 1968.

How long did combat tours last?

For the US Army 1 year.

Who was the first president to committ troops to Vietnam?

according to my marine boyfriend who did 3 tours in Vietnam, the president who succeeded john f. Kennedy (after he was assassinated), was lyndon b. Johnson, or "lbj,' as he called, commited our American troops to the Vietnam conflict. august 3, 1964, was the date when my boyfriend arrived for combat duty from saigon aboard the uss maddox dd731.

What is maximum tours of duty served in Vietnam?

Made 4 "Wespac" tours and sent TAD to assist in different logistic assists to 3MAW on board and ashore. Average 9month tours.

What is the average length of service in Vietnam?

For US Airmen, US Sailors, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, it may have been different. But for US Soldiers it was a one year tour of duty. Second and third tours were in six month increments. So, for a GI (US soldier) three tours meant 2 yrs.