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Q: Did Sitting Bull meet with President Grant as depicted in the movie Sitting Bull out in the Dakota Territory just after the Battle of Little Big Horn?
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What events led to battle of the bighorn?

The Battle of Little Bighorn was the result of settlers settling on the territory of the Lakota and Sioux. Sitting Bull formed an alliance between these two tribes.

Why did the France invade Mexico in the battle of puebla?

In order to expand french territory.

What battle opened the Ohio Territory to white settlement?

the battle that opened the Ohio Territory to the white settlement is the Battle of Fallen Timbers.

What events led to the Battle of the Little Bighorn?

Sioux forces led by Crazy Horse surrounded and defeated Custer and his troops.

How did the battle battle of Gettysburg affect growth of territory?

It didn't. It was not a territorial battle.

Did Sitting Bull lead his warriors into the battle of the bighorn?

Yes. Chiefs Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse led their soldiers into the Battle of the Bighorn.

Which battle did sitting bull deafet general Custer?

The Battle of Little Bighorn

Who was at the battle of little bighorn?

sitting bull

What was Sitting Bulls wife name?

Sitting Duck, since she was so easily killed after the battle

Why was the second Battle of Bull Run was important?

It Was The Second Battle Of The Bull Run Territory

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Did Sitting bull's daughters fight in any battle?
