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No. Sacajawea (whose name is also variously spelled Sacagawea or Sakakawea) was of the Lemhi Shoshone tribe originally, but was kidnapped and raised by the Hidatsa; she grew up in what it today North Dakota. She went with Lewis & Clark on their expedition from Saint Louis to Oregon and back, and served as a guide, an interpreter, and someone whose presence demonstrated to the native peoples that they had nothing to fear from the two explorers. The Trail of Tears was a forced relocation of the Choctaw and other tribes; it took place beginning in 1831, nearly 20 years after she had died.

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Q: Did Sacagawea walk in the trail of tears?
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It ended in present day Oklahoma.

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No, this is a metaphor. The Trail of Tears was such a horrible chapter in US history. Thousands of people from the tribes who were force relocated died along the way. They were treated so poorly, and pushed so hard, that the various routes taken were collectively known as "The Trail Where We Cried" by those who were forced to walk it. Later, the name was shortened to The Trail of Tears.

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The Trail of Tears, which General Winfield Scott commanded.

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The Trail of Tears (APEX)