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No. There were drawings of the Sphinx without a nose before Napoleon's time. The Sphinx actually lost a considerable amount of its features in 1378 AD when a local Sufi Sheik thought the Sphinx to be idolatrous and attempted to blow it up with explosives. His name was Sayim al-Dahr. They did much the same thing in Afghanistan with some Buddhist images they did not like.

The other theory is that he went up there with a chisel since there are marking where the nose used to be that indicate that type of tool had been used to break off the nose.

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Q: Did Napoleon's troops shoot the nose off of the Sphinx in Egypt?
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What did colonists throw at british troops in the Boston massacre?

High taxes [taxation without representation]

Why did colonel Joshua Chamberlin get new troops just before Gettysburg?

Chamberlin got new troops because they were the men who accidently signed up for three years but didnt want to serve anymore. They were brought to Chamberlin, and he could shoot them or put them to use.

Why did they shoot cannonballs at the Sphinx?

cause they wanted to ---------------------------- Somebody left a smart-ass answer but, then again, the question is flawed because it's unclear which "they" the question is referring to and exactly which Sphinx. If you're referring to the Great Sphinx of Giza, nobody has shot cannonballs at the monolith. The Great Sphinx has been excavated in modern times. Previously, only the head was exposed from the sands. The beard fell off due to time and gravity. Other parts of the head were possibly damaged by the vandalism of a 14th century Sufi Muslim who was trying to stop Nile tribes from worshiping the statue (and was hung for his defacing efforts by the Nile tribe). This may (if he was very successful) have been the cause of much of the defacement of the nose though it was long before the invention of cannonballs. Most of the damage is due to time and erosion and the oldest drawings in existence show the head has been in its current shape for hundreds of years. SHORT ANSWER: Nobody shot cannonballs at the sphinx.

Did Napoleon shoot with his cannon while on vacation in Egypt?

First off he wasn't on vacation...and yes he had his men use it as target practice because he thought it resembled a person of African heritage.

While Henry's regiment was waiting for the battle to begin what did Henry's friend do?

He constantly pulled on his mustache and moved back and forth behind his men.The captain of Henry's company coaxes the troops to reserve their fire and not shoot wildly.

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No. There is an older story that one of Napolean's gunnery officers shot off the nose of the Sphinx, but that is also questionable.

What is interesting to see at the great sphinx?

well there is alot of history to the Sphinx..First off the sphinx was built with the body of a lion and the head of a human..In the middle of the Sphinx there is two monuments built there..A Pharaoh once had a dream of the was saying to clear the area because of the sand storm and water erosion's because the Sphinx Suffered damages from it..Its nose was also shoot by people who was using it as a target and officially lost its nose....It was also known as one of the monumental statues in the world..Made in 2500 BC

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A Sphinx is a zoomorphic mythological figure which is depicted as a recumbent lion with a human head. In Indian mythology, Narsimha Bhagavan took Avatar and he was have half Lion and half man. He had to take that Avatra to vanquish an Asura who had declared immortally and could only be killed by such a person who was neither an animal or human so God had to take birth as this creation. That could possibly be what is depicted by the Sphinx. Worship of the Lion God and this again traces the origin of Egyptian civilization back to India and Vedic culture and traditions. Save

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Depends on what time period you are asking about. If you mean ancient Egypt, no- guns were not created then.

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High taxes [taxation without representation]

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Chamberlin got new troops because they were the men who accidently signed up for three years but didnt want to serve anymore. They were brought to Chamberlin, and he could shoot them or put them to use.

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