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Yes. Jesus was always aware of his mission. His whole purpose in being born was to die for our salvation.

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Q: Did Jesus know he was going to die at the Last Supper?
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What is the name of the room where Jesus and his apostles ate the last supper?

The only reference I know of is "The Upper Room".

What did disciples eat?

Well We do Know they ate the body and blood of Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. There are other stories about the fish, and other kinds of bread, but all we do know is the bread and wine of Jesus Christ. Welcome.

The Last Supper year?

The Last Supper = the last meal Jesus ate with his disciples was when Jesus was 33. The chronology is disputed, it might have been somewhere between 7 BC and 7 AD. So much for your question. But maybe you do not mean what you write. Maybe you want to know when the painting representing that Last Supper was painted. This is also difficult to answer, because this subject has been painted by hundreds of artists from the 3rd to the 20th centuries. So, maybe you believe that Leonardo da Vinci's painting 'The Last Supper' is the only one. That is a mistake. Anyway it was painted 1495-1497.

Where is the M in the 'Last Supper'?

Oh, dude, the M in the 'Last Supper' is like right there in the middle, sandwiched between the L and the A. It's like the cool kid at the table, just chilling with all the other letters, you know? So, yeah, it's right smack dab in the middle, holding its own in that iconic phrase.

What is the first Catholic Mass called?

The Last Supper

What do you call the time period when Jesus has his last supper dies and rises?

Today, many Christians call it Holy Week. I don't know of any other term for it.

Who fixed the Lords Last Supper?

The inner keeper wife fix the last supper but she did not know. Because Matthew paid the inner keeper.

Was there cornbread at last supper?

no just manna. how am i supposed to know

How long did the last supper take?

The last supper held with Jesus must have taken a while. If you read the Bible they talked and ate and Jesus was trying to prepare the disciples for his death and how their lives would change after he was crucified. During the evening he also told them about remembering him by eating bread and wine and also washed their feet.When they went to pray in the garden afterwards it was very late and the disciples were so tired they kept falling asleep even though Jesus asked them to stay awake.I think they did a lot on the day Jesus was arrested.Additional Answer:Customarily, the Passover Meal (aka Last Supper) which Jesus and His disciples celebrated, would begin at sunset of Nisan 14. It would last about 3 hours and end with singing.

When did Jesus have his confirmation?

This is not something that God has deemed necessary for us to know. All that we know for sure, is that they were baptized and confirmed before the Last Supper, because it was at the Last Supper that Our Blessed Lord instituted the priesthood and invested them with this Office. As it is necessary for the reception of any of the sacraments (the Holy Eucharist and Ordination) for the person to have first received baptism, and in the early Church Baptism and Confirmation were always given together, as they still are in the Eastern Rites, we know that the Apostles had these before that night.

Is liturgy the work of holy trinity?

No, it was first demonstrated by Jesus Christ when he broke bread and drank of the wine at what we know as The Last Supper. The sacrament is to remember His sacrifice and to renew our own covenants which we have made with Him.

What did Jesus say last?

Jesus' last words were: "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do".