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I've heard that they're purchasing tonnes and tonnes of it and piling it off their coasts, it's perfectly safe. Up until a couple years ago my grandfather did electrical work for a coal mine in south eastern British Columbia, that is my source :P

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Q: Did Japan ever stockpile coal underwater?
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i dont know call japan and ask them!!! lolololololol

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Was Kentucky ever underwater?

Yes, the fossil record shows that there were shallow seas covering the state (and most of North America) at various points in time. In addition there were sometimes vast swamps filled with dense plant life. Their remains created rich coal seams in parts of the state.

How can you live underwater?

don't breathe. ever again. ever ever. and that's how you live underwateri can live underwaterbecause I'm fat I'm fat you know itdon't tell me once again whose fat?u live underwater by wearing a swimming costume.BlackbonzI'm sorry that you you think your fat but it's impossible to Live under water except in a submarine or in a scuba suitDjwoodie98Eventually the scuba suit would run out of air, and the submarine would need eletrictiy to operate, and a unlimited amount of supplies