The Germans played as British Mercenaries (people who agree to fight for Another Country in a war)
Were Poland and Germany allies with the United States during the Revolutionary War?
about the same as gemrany did to help America during ww2
Britain did not help America win the Revolutionary War.
There were none, since Ohio didn't exist during the Revolutionary War.
Did Poland help America during the revolutionary war Locating Genealogy Records from the Revolutionary War. Military records of the American Revolutionary War can be of vital .
Were Poland and Germany allies with the United States during the Revolutionary War?
Which revolutionary war? Germany did not exist as a country during either the American revolution or the British revolution. However during the American revolutionary war, the Brits often hired Hessian mercenaries, who were professional soldiers from a land that would later become part of Germany.
the turtlebwas the first submersible craft used in recorded warfare. it was intended to help break the british blockade during the revolutionary war
they did the ppl on the boat
by sending military supplies
about the same as gemrany did to help America during ww2