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The USSR gave aid to North Vietnam. China sent aid to the Vietcong via North Vietnam.

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Q: Did China and the Soviets give aid to the Vietcong?
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What support did the Vietcong get?

All the support the North Vietnamese could give them and they were supplied by the Soviets in their turn. After 1969/70 the Viet Cong were all but eliminated as a fighting force and the NVA was infiltrated into the South by the Ho Chi Min trail, men and supplies. This does not take into account all the support that some people of South Vietnam gave the Viet Cong.

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If a new or neutral nation received a BETTER deal (weapons, construction aid, medical aid, technology aid, etc) from the Soviets or Red Chinese they took it. Sometimes a nation might want a certain type of missile. If the US wouldn't sell it or give it to them, and the Red Chinese/Soviets would, then they'd side with them.

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The Vietcong used songs and stories about heroism and sacrifice to motivate children to aid them in the war. They also employed the tactic of emphasizing the importance of defending their village and homeland against the perceived enemy, often portraying the American forces as invaders.

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to aid them

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to aid them

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Australian aid Activities in ChinaThe Australian Government, through the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), has provided almost 30 years of development assistance to China. AusAID continues to work in partnership with China to build on these achievements and provide expertise to help China in its development reform agenda. (Source Australian Government AusAID).

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World Vision will give aid anywhere. They will send aid to poor countries Haiti. That is where they give aid. Hope you found it helpful:)