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Cartimandua, the queen of the Brigantes, a large Celtic group which occupied most of northern England, supported the Romans and in 48 she was helped by the Roman military to suppress anti-Roman rebellions among the subjects. In 51 she arrested Caratacus, the leader of a British rebellion , who had fled to Brigantium to rally support for his cause. She turned him over to the Romans. Her husband and co-ruler tried to overthrow her twice by stirring up anti-Roman sentiment. The Roman army intervened again.

Two year later he managed to overthrow her. Two year after this the emperor Vespasian sent Agricola to annex the territory of the Brigantes.

Initally Boudicca's attitude was not very different than that of Cartmandua. He husband, Prasutagus, the king of the Iceni, supported the Romans, lived a lavish lifestyle and made the Roman emperor co-heir to his kingdom, along with his wife and two daughters. When Prasutagus died, Boudicca rebelled. According to the the ancient historian Cassus Dio, Prasutagus incurred great debts to finance his lifestyle. When he died, Roman creditors called in their loans. Cassius Dio mentioned the famous Seneca among the creditors. Since the Icene were liable for this debt, Boudicca rebelled.

According to another version by another ancient historian, Tacitus, when Prasutagus died, the Romans annexed his territory, flogged Boudicca and raped his two daughters. This version is less credible.

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Q: Did Boudicca and Cartimandua have the same attitude to the Romans ruling Britain?
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What did the queen cartimandua do?

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There was only one Boudicca. She was a queen of the Iceni tribe in Britain. She was defeated by the Romans in 62 AD and poisoned herself rather than be captured.

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Boudicca reveived no punishment from the Romans. It is said she poisoned herself rather than face the consequences.

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