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No. President Jackson ignored John Marshall's personal opinion about the federal government owing protection to the Cherokee, but that wasn't part of the official ruling in Worcester because the United States was not a party to the case. Courts only have authority to issue legally binding decisions against people or entities named as a party to the suit being tried. Jackson may have had a moral and ethical obligation to defend the Cherokee Nation against Georgia's aggression, but no legal duty had been established.

The only legal rulings in the case were against the state of Georgia. Under pressure from President Jackson, the Governor of Georgia complied with the order to release the plaintiffs, but ignored the opinion about the state's lack of rights with regard to both the Cherokee and their territory. The President declined to intervene.

Jackson continued to support Georgia in its mission to drive the Native Americans from their land, and successfully hobbled Marshall by nominating like-minded Associate Justices to vacancies on the then seven-member court. By politicizing the Court, Jackson subverted its power as one of the checks and balances on the Executive and Legislative branches.

The sad conclusion to this story was the 1836 ratification of a removal treaty between the United States government and the Cherokee Nation, the Treaty of New Echota. This resulted in the US Army forcibly relocating the Native Americans from their ancestral land under the Van Buren administration in 1838, a travesty later known as The Trail of Tears.

Case Citation:

Worcester v. Georgia, 31 US 515 (1832)

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He felt the decision could not be enforced.

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Q: Did Andrew Jackson ignore John Marshall's order in Worcester v. Georgia?
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