

Best Answer

000 - Generalities

030 - Britannica (British Encyclopadeia)

100 - Philosophy and Psychology

150 - Psychology

200 - Religion

220 - Bible

300 - Social Sciences

327 - International relations

400 - Languages

413 - English dictionary

500 - Natural Science

561 - Paleobotany

600 - Applied Science & Technology

618 - Gynecology & other medical specialties

700 - Arts, Music, Sports

793 - indoor Games

800 - Literature

821 - English Poetry

900 - History & Geography

920 - Biography

100 - Philosophy and psychology

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Q: Could you Give 3 examples of each classification Dewey decimal classification?
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How old is the Dewey decimal classification system?

The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), or Dewey Decimal System, is a proprietary library classification system first published in the United States by Melvil Dewey in 1876.

What is the Dewey decimal in the library?

Dewey Decimal is the classification system of the library.

What is the Dewey decimal for cowboys?

The Dewey Decimal Classification for cowboys is 978.004.

Who Invented Dewey Decimal Classification?

Melvil Dewey

Who created the Dewey decimal classification?

Melvil Dewey

What is the Dewey decimal classification for nonfiction books about spiders?

Spiders fall under the Dewey Decimal Classification of 595.4.

What is the Dewey decimal classification for pilates?

The Dewey Decimal Classification for Pilates is 613.71. This classification is under the broader category of Physical Fitness and Exercise.

What is the Dewey decimal number for yearbooks?

The Dewey Decimal Classification number for yearbooks is 091.

What has the author Eugene Edward Graziano written?

Eugene Edward Graziano has written: 'The philosophy of Hegel as basis for the Dewey decimal classification schedule' -- subject(s): Classification, Dewey decimal, Dewey decimal Classification

What has the author Melvil Dewey written?

Melvil Dewey has written: 'Traveling libraries' -- subject(s): Traveling libraries 'Sistema De Clasificacion Decimal Vs03' 'Decimal classification and relative index ...' 'Introduction to Dewey Decimal Classification for British schools' 'Summaries' -- subject(s): Dewey decimal Classification '[Agriculture scheme for decimal classification]' -- subject(s): Books, Agriculture, Dewey decimal Classification, Classification '... Library school rules: 1. Card catalog rules' -- subject(s): Cataloging, Library science 'Decimal classification and relative index for libraries, clippings, notes, etc.' -- subject(s): Books, Classification 'Decimal clasification and relativ index for libraries and personal use in arranjing for immediate reference books, pamflets, clippings, pictures, manuscript notes and other material' -- subject(s): Decimal Classification 'Decimal classification' -- subject(s): Decimal Classification 'Dewey decimal classification, DDC' -- subject(s): Books, Classification, Computer engineering, Dewey decimal Classification, Electronic data processing, Computers 'Sistema De Clasificacion Decimal' 'Decimal classification and relative index' -- subject(s): Dewey decimal Classification 'DDC, Dewey decimal classification. 301-307 sociology' -- subject(s): Sociology, Dewey decimal Classification, Classification 'On libraries' -- subject(s): Libraries 'dewey decimal classification 19th edition' 'Classification decimale de Dewey' -- subject(s): Dewey decimal Classification 'Table 2 Geographic Areas' 'Decimal clasification and relativ index' -- subject(s): Dewey decimal Classification 'Decimal Clasification and Relativ Index for Libraries and Personal Use: In ..' 'Abridged decimal classification and relative index' -- subject(s): Decimal Classification 'DDC, Dewey decimal classification summaries' -- subject(s): Dewey decimal Classification 'Decimal classification and relativ index for libraries' -- subject(s): Books, Decimal Classification, Classification 'Dewey Decimal Classification and Subject Index for Arranging the Books and Pamphlets of a Library' 'An Introduction to the 19th Edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification' 'Librarianship as a profession for college-bred women' -- subject(s): Library science, Vocational guidance, Women librarians '200 (religion) class' -- subject(s): Religion, Books, Decimal Classification, Classification 'Decimal classification and relativ index for arranging, cataloging, and indexing public and private libraries and for pamflets, clippings, notes, scrap books, index rerums, etc.' -- subject(s): Decimal Classification

What has the author Sydney W Davis written?

Sydney W. Davis has written: 'digital logic design DDC 20 workbook' -- subject(s): Classification, Dewey decimal, Dewey decimal Classification, Problems, exercises 'DDC 21 workbook' -- subject(s): Classification, Dewey decimal, Dewey decimal Classification, Problems, exercises, Problems, exercises, etc 'Abridged 13 workbook' -- subject(s): Classification, Dewey decimal, Dewey decimal Classification, Problems, exercises, Problems, exercises, etc, Small libraries

Who devised the Dewey Decimal Classification System?

melvil dewey