The term ' creation scientist ' is somewhat of a misnomer in that the two words seem to contradict one another. However, there are scientists/researchers that will readily admit that their findings, both geological and archaelogical can be directly paralleled to the teachings of The Bible. For instance, we are taught that God created the first generations of all living things. The fossil record seems to confirm this. For a long time [ a geological moment] there was absolutely nothing on the earth. Then suddenly there was an abundance of life, plants, insects, animals and dinosaurs. We are also taught that a great worldwide flood destroyed the earth and that it was ' ..without form and void' of life. Again, the fossil records clearly indicates that such an event did actually occur. So certainly, there can be a sort of coexistence between science and creation.
The word 'secular' can be defined as 'not specifically religious'. Secular science is basic General Science without a religious influence. In much the same way that secular music is not necessarily religious music, secular science is not a religious discipline in that it does not involve, and is not bound by any monastic views or principles. Answer
A creation scientist would be a scientist that believes that something created the universe, while a secular scientist would probably not believe that, but would say that everything occurred by chance or natural processes.
Both scientists can still be "genuine" and relatively objective, but are looking at the problems from differing points of view. Both types of scientists, and indeed all people, have their own separate ways of looking at the world.
Science, n. Investigation of natural phenomena.
Engineering, n. Domestication of natural phenomena.
Technology, n. Domesticated natural phenomena.
Another Answer
"Creation scientists" have no concern about natural phenomena, just the supernatural phenomena described in the Bible. They aren't scientists.
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A 'secular' scientist is a genuine scientist who attempts to learn about the natural world. He or she attempts to conduct research without preconceptions and arrive at conclusions based on objective evidence. When publishing material, the scientist is expected to have considered the opposing theories of other scientists and show objectively why the new theory or findings are at variance from earlier work or earlier theories. Because science must be objective, the scientist is always prepared to be proven wrong by later analysis.
A 'creation scientist' attempts to show that the natural world is consistent with preconceived notions about divine origin. Most 'creation scientists' are unconcerned about objectivity and few seek to have their analyses objectively reviewed by genuine scientists who may demonstrate flaws in their reasoning. No 'creation scientist' accepts that creationism may be proven wrong.
However, the dividing line between 'secular' scientists and 'creation scientists' is not entirely black and white. A very small number of those who believe in the possibility of creationism are genuine scientists in the secular sense. One such scientist is Michael J. Behe, who states that he has no reason to doubt that the Earth is billions of years old, and said, "I find the idea of common descent (that all organisms share a common ancestor) fairly convincing, and have no particular reason to doubt it." However, he believes that some of the evidence in microbiology may only be explained by divine intervention. Nevertheless, Behe says "Design is difficult to prove."
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From the dictionary: sec·u·lar - adjective
Denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis.
cre·a·tion - noun
2. The bringing into of existence of the universe, especially when regarded as an act of God.
Therefore, a secular scientist is one who works without an attitude of religious basis.
A creation scientist is one who works with an attitude of religious basis (that God is the Creator).
The two most widely-known contexts for the above, are the tradition of Creation, and the theory of Evolution. According to the theory of Evolution, life developed by random processes, especially mutations.
The narrative of Divine Creation, which is contained in Genesis ch.1 and 2, states that God created the universe. This teaches us that God exists, that our lives and the world are not random, and that the created things may be assumed to contain vast wisdom in their beautiful and purposeful design. (In recent decades, this wisdom has indeed been partially revealed, through increasingly powerful microscopes.)Evolution through random mutations, on the other hand, may be understood as implying that life is an accident, that perceived beauty and wisdom are ultimately purposeless, and that our instinctive yearning for the Eternal is just an electrical impulse in our brain.
Yes it was, religion didnt play a role in the creation of it, though philosophy did but that didnt occur until about the qin dynasty.
None. Both acts were inteded to insure a secular nation without control of the state by the Catholic Church.
It became more secular.
The word secular describes a position outside religion. Secular Jews are those, though Jews by birth, are not practitioners of Judaism.
The non-secular belief that God created the world. The secular event that bounds a reality in existence from non-existence.
The creation of Frankenstein's monster was detrimental to the scientist's well-being.
he compared it to chess he compared it to chess
Runescape is the answer
Answer 2 A scientist. He's just believes something else. Uh... religious?
I would say the only pretense for similarity of the secular view of creation and the non-secular view of creation is that they both require a beginning for Time in Space. Other than that, I would say that they represent completely separate and distinct ideologies.
A creation is something that is made or brought into existence, typically by combining materials or ideas to produce something new. It can refer to a physical object, a piece of art, or an original concept.
You are being compared with the scientist-Einstein.
Drill cores from the ocean floor were dated and found to be very young compared to the age of the earth. This means the crust had to be formed recently, which can be explained by creation of crust at a spreading center.
This scientist is Robert Millikan (1868-1953).
Yes it was, religion didnt play a role in the creation of it, though philosophy did but that didnt occur until about the qin dynasty.
Yes it was, religion didnt play a role in the creation of it, though philosophy did but that didnt occur until about the qin dynasty.