

Can you eat human feces

Updated: 8/22/2023
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13y ago

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Yes you can. Poop comes In a variety of flavors and Is very good for you If

the source Is healthy.

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15y ago

yes, becuz they are good i mean great!!

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Q: Can you eat human feces
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i think so..?"

Why do Muslims eat feces?

Muslims do not eat feces. ______________________________________________________ I wonder of this question. Does the one asking this question know of any human of any other religion is eating feces? If no, why he considers Muslims are eating feces and just asking about the reason?!!

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No.... well yes if that is all you eat.

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Believe it or not, they have been known to eat human feces sometimes.

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Can you eat dog feces?

No you cannot, as it only contains chemicals that the human body does not need.

Do people eat human feces?

That would be highly unusual. It would be an act of insanity.

Do red wiggler worms eat human feces?

Red wiggler worms are capable of consuming human feces, but it is not recommended to use them for this purpose due to potential health and safety concerns. It is best to compost plant-based kitchen scraps and yard waste instead.

Is it ok to eat human feces?

NO- Do Not Eat Feces By Consuming your own or other people's feces you carry the risk of contracting diseases spread through fecal matter, such as Hepatitis A, Hepatitis E, pneumonia, and influenza. Coprophagia (feces eating) also carries the risk of contracting intestinal parasites.

What chemicals or virus is contained in human feces?

Human feces is composed of unusable food and million of bacteria.

Do butterflies eat feces?

Butterflies eat feces. The consumption of feces is called coprophagia. Butterflies also eat tree sap, decaying fruit, and drink nectar from flowers.