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You can, but it would probably taste bad. (Hot mayo?)

As long as it's mayonnaise out of a jar, not home-made, you can put a sandwich with mayonnaise in it on a sandwich grill, or in a frying pan, and it's great.

Using a microwave, mayonnaise should be mixed, because otherwise its high fat content will cause it to heat before the other ingredients.

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Q: Can you cook a sandwich with mayonnaise on it?
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When was The Sandwich Man created?

This Sandwich Has No Mayonnaise was created in 1947.

How long can you keep out a turkey sandwich with mayonnaise?

A turkey sandwich with mayonnaise should be eaten within three hours if not kept cool. Mayonnaise has a tendency to spoil rather quickly at room temperature.

Is mayonnaise an istrament?

No, mayonnaise is not an instrument. It is a condiment used as a sandwich spread or a salad dressing.

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What is a sandwich ingredient that start with a?

Aioli is a garlic mayonnaise

Can a sandwich with mayonnaise be left out indefinitely?

No, it cannot. As soon as the mayonnaise reaches room temperature, it should not be eaten.

What sandwich can you eat?

You could eat a fried bologna sandwich with lettuce and mayonnaise. Or a hot ham with melted cheese sandwich. Or a grilled cheese sandwich.

What is a pickle-mayonnaise topping?

To make a pickle-mayonnaise topping, chop a pickle into small pieces and mix it in mayonnaise in a bowl before spreading it on a sandwich.

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Is not a way to cut 100 calories from your day?

Do not add Mayonnaise to sandwich or mayonnaise based salad dressing to your salad.

Name a sandwich a kid can make?

sandwich that kids can make are: buns/tasty and peanut butter or cheese. and some are: egg sandwich w/ mayonnaise.........

Can you cook with mayonnaise?

Yes, you can cook with mayonnaise. It can be used as a marinade, a topping for baked dishes, or as a binding agent in recipes like casseroles or dips.