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Yes. But this would not protect the person who goes beyond the limits in the US Constitution from prosecution in Federal Court.

What the states may not do is impose more restrictive limits on civil liberties or civil rights than those in the US Constitution.

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Q: Can states extend civil liberties or civil rights beyond those in the US Constitution?
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What are the two main Constitutional sources of your Civil Liberties?

The Constitution really grants us zero liberties or rights. It acknowledges that we are born with certain rights and that the Government is not supposed to limit or take away from those rights. The Constitution grants the Government certain limited rights over us to make a civil and useful society. Other then those limitations we allow the Government to have under the constitution, we are free to do what we wish. The Constitution gives our Government certain (very limited) rights and liberties. We have chosen to allow our Government to have these rights to allow for a working society.

Why was The Bill of Rights added to the the US Constitution?

The US Bill of Rights was created to protect U.S. citizen's individual liberties.

What part of the constitution are many of Americans civil liberties articulated?

The first 10 amendments, known as the Bill of Rights

Who believed that the constitution should provide protection for certain basic liberties so they refused to ratify the constitution until a bill of rights was added?

Your mothèr

What are the basic civil liberties guaranteed to us by the US Constitution?

In the United States, the US Constitution recognizes the basic human rights granted to its people by God. The Constitution does not "give" its people rights. The US Constitution documents a number of things, such as the way the Federal government operates. Under the US Constitution, the rights already alluded to are written in the part of the Constitution called the Bill of Rights. These rights the Constitution guarantees include important issues such as free speech, freedom of the press and freedom to practice one's religion. The Federal Constitution lays out the ways Federal officials are elected and appointed. When it was ratified in 1793, it was the most progressive document defining a democratic nation that had ever existed.

Related questions

How did the resolve the Constitution when it did not have Civil liberties?

Civil liberties were added, in the form of the Bill of Rights.

Where can civil liberties be found?

They can be found in the Bill of Rights, specifically. The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution, but it is the Bill of Rights where civil liberties are addressed.

What are two words that mean rights protected by the constitution?

Civil Rights or Liberties.

Civil liberties are guaranteed by which part of the Constitution?

Bill of Rights

What is the Constitution's Bill of Rights most concerned with?

the personal liberties of American citizens

Which of these parts of the US Constitution contains fundamental liberties of American citizens?

(bill of rights)

What documents include personal liberties?

The documents that include personal liberties are the American bill of rights, the constitution, and the declaration of independence.

Why did the bill of rights included in the constitution?

To protect our individual liberties/rights!! That was the only way antifederalists would approve of the Constitution! Hope I helped! :)

What was added to the Constitution to include a written guarantee of people's liberties?

The bill of rights

What the constitution bill of rights most concerned?

the personal liberties of american citizens

What two Enlightenment ideas are included in the constitution?

One Enlightenment idea that is included in the constitution is basic liberties such as voting rights and Bill of Rights. Another one is the separation of powers such as the Montesquieu.

The provides the foundation for Americans' civil liberties.?

Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments of the constitution)